Test and learn

Test and learn Agency Consulting firm Experts Specialists Consultancy

Improve your ideas by directly testing them on your target audience

For more than 30 years, our specialized team has been supporting companies in implementing a Test and Learn approach to test their service, solution, equipment or product ideas with a sample of market players.

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    How we support you in your test and learn projects

    We support our customers to quickly test the relevance of an idea. From an idea of service, solution, equipment or product, we formalize a first simple description allowing to project and immediately test this idea with a sample of customers, users or stakeholders in order to collect their opinion.

    We then rework the idea by enriching it with this initial feedback, then we test the concept again with another sample of customers, and so on until we obtain a consolidated version. Through successive iterations and improvements, our ‘Test and Learn’ approach allows our customers to shorten their innovation cycles (succeed quickly / fail quickly) and gives them the ability to adapt quickly.

    Examples of recent test and learn projects carried out for our clients

    • Test and learn to validate a prototype: development of a “direct-to-patient” program using a Test and Learn approach

      One of our clients, a leader in the pharmaceutical industry, wanted to be supported in the development of a “direct-to-patient” offer to increase the level of patient loyalty to its brands.

      The project started with an ideation phase, in order to imagine different concepts, which were then selected and framed in a second phase, particularly from a regulatory point of view. The last step consisted of testing the selected concepts with doctors and pharmacists, then implementing the feedback from this first test to test a second-version of the concept.

      At the end of this Test and Learn process, our client was able to validate a concept offer that had already been tested in the field!

    • Creation of a digital offer through a Test and Learn approach

      Support of a water and waste treatment player in the development of a digital offer as part of its expansion in the industrial sector.

      Our Test & Learn approach allowed us to define a first version (v0) of the offer, which was then tested in the field with potential customers and prospects and optimized following feedback, in a co-construction approach.

      In the end, the work of our teams enabled our client to have a finalized offer and to deploy it thanks to the hiring of a dedicated sales resource following our project.

    • Development of a Test and Learn approach to quickly test innovative ideas

      Alcimed supported the innovation department of an aeronautical equipment manufacturer in the creation of a simple “Test and Learn” method to facilitate the maturation of its ideas and create new businesses.

      Our study began with an internal analysis of our client’s current organization to understand how its innovation process currently works (ambition, organization, successes, failures, etc.). We then assisted our client in structuring evaluation grids for its ideas and defined a simple testing approach that we tested on 2 ideas (understanding the imagined V0 offer, testing this idea with a small panel of potential customers, building a V1 based on the feedback and so on).

      This project enabled our client to develop a very pragmatic and fast “Test and Learn” method to test ideas in the market, to stop projects that did not bring sufficient value to customers and to accelerate the most relevant ideas.

    • Creation of a new offer via a Test and Learn approach

      We assisted one of our clients in the field of energy, and more specifically its R&D team specializing in hydrogeology, in building a new offer to valorize their skills via a Test and Learn approach.

      Our client was using the expertise of its team to manage environmental issues (impact on ecology, fish, etc.) in relation to its own assets (e.g. hydroelectric dams). The question was to identify the possibility of developing this expertise internationally and with other similar players (energy companies, industrials, etc.) and how to sell these skills. We used a Test & Learn approach to co-build this offer, in collaboration with some of our client’s customers in Germany, Switzerland and Belgium.

      As a result of our work, our client was able to validate the new offering with its management and identify potential markets and targets.

    You have a project?

      Tell us about your uncharted territory

      You have a project and want to discuss it with our explorers, write us!

      One of our explorers will contact you shortly.