Project roadmap

Structure your project with a roadmap
For more than 30 years, our specialized team has been supporting companies in the creation of structured, realistic roadmaps for the development of their new products, services or projects, and to manage the first operational phases.
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The key success factors of a project roadmap
Structuring a clear, shared and evolving roadmap is at the heart of business transformation and represents a major challenge in complex contexts. Its construction is based on several key success factors:
A roadmap cannot be built in isolation from the organization’s objectives. On the contrary, it must be an operational translation of the objectives set by the management of an entity, a business unit or at the highest level of the company. It is therefore important to start with the “why” and the “for what”, being very clear about the ambition that the roadmap should serve. These objectives must be defined before the roadmap is drawn up, by all the stakeholders, to ensure the best possible alignment.
What ambition should the roadmap serve? What objectives must ultimately be achieved? Which stakeholders should be involved?
To structure a roadmap, it is often necessary to carry out an analysis of the situation of the organization and its ecosystem (partners, customers, competitors). This analysis enables us to determine the priority projects on which to focus to achieve the goals set, as well as the cross-functional activities required to support these projects.
Once the projects have been identified, they are then broken down into sub-projects with associated objectives and milestones, enabling them to be sequenced over time. Time consistency is particularly important in the case of projects that depend on each other, or where resources are limited!
What are the main pillars of my roadmap? How do they respond to my difficulties, challenges and ambitions? How can I consider my available resources? What time horizons should be considered?
For each project, it is essential to choose the right people to coordinate all the actions to be carried out. They will have to define the working methods and associated resources and provide for the coordination of all the stakeholders involved. In addition to the project leaders, a good overall coordination unit, capable of assessing progress, making decisions, arbitrating and maintaining momentum, is a guarantee that the roadmap will run smoothly.
Because things don’t always go according to plan, it’s important to anticipate that the roadmap will have to evolve as progress is made. And this ability to evolve and adapt will be directly linked to the quality of the governance put in place.
Who is the right people to lead the roadmap? How can we coordinate everything? How can we anticipate the unexpected and limit the risks?
How we support you in your project roadmap
Alcimed assists its clients in structuring a 360° roadmap by exploring with their partners and collaborators, in their specific environment (regulatory, geographical, historical, …), the scope of possibilities, in order to define an ambitious long-term strategy and plan concrete and orderly actions.
The project roadmap produced is both a communication and steering tool, whose quality is based above all on the commitment of its operators. This is why Alcimed has a wide range of methodologies and team animation techniques at its disposal to co-construct strategic roadmaps in close collaboration with our clients’ teams. Alcimed also assists its customers in the operational deployment of their roadmaps.
What they say
"The Alcimed team brought a new way of looking."
Marketing Manager, BD Biosciences
Examples of recent project roadmaps carried out for our clients
European innovative roadmap on vaccines
We supported Vaccines Europe, a vaccine group within EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations) in mobilizing a consortium of vaccine manufacturers and institutions to build together an innovative “European Vaccine Roadmap” for the next 5 years.
Our team played the role of project manager in order to 1) bring together the visions of the different vaccine players mobilized, 2) co-write the roadmap with all of them 3) while ensuring the alignment between all and the coherence of the suggested directions.
The result for our client? A consortium of aligned players, a clear and ambitious collaborative roadmap, and a shared innovation project! Find all the information about this project and the details of the roadmap here: http://iprove-roadmap.eu/
Project roadmap for the launch of an orphan drug in Europe
Alcimed assisted an American biopharmaceutical client in defining the strategic roadmap for the launch of its orphan drug in Europe, and then in structuring a concrete and operational plan, both at the level of the European region and at the level of each targeted country.
The launch plan is a strategic roadmap for each of the company’s key functions (medical, marketing, production, regulatory, sales) and covers the period from pre-launch (before obtaining the MA – Marketing Authorization) to the first sales.
Today, our team is still involved in regularly updating the first plan defined with our client, according to internal or external developments around this orphan drug in several European countries.
Project roadmap for the implementation of a 4.0 plant in aeronautics
For nearly 2 years, Alcimed has supported a company leader in the aeronautics industry in the definition of its project roadmap for the implementation of its 4.0 plant and the operational deployment of this new factory.
To carry out this project, our team first identified via a benchmark the most relevant organization models and technologies to consider, then we selected the most interesting external service providers for our client, and we finally defined the articulation and the schedule of the different worksites.
Once the final roadmap was validated, our team piloted, monitored and led the different working groups in charge of the various projects, to deliver the first operational results 12 months later!
Roadmap development for a Regional Health Agency (ARS) in France
We assisted the management team of a Regional Health Agency (ARS) in the formalization of 5 strategic roadmaps to pilot the convergence of the 5 Territorial Support Platforms (PTA) present on its territory.
The PTAs, which have been implemented following the law on the modernization of the French health system, are support platforms to help healthcare professionals organize the complex care pathways of their patients. The ARS team that we supported wanted to create greater synergy between its 5 platforms and to coordinate all the actions carried out in the territory in a more pragmatic way.
The work of our team allowed us to define an organization model targeting the future PTAs around 3 key dimensions which were then declined according to the specificities of the territories.
Drafting of an aerospace company's roadmap for developing the digital, connected and resilient factory of the future
Our team worked with an aerospace manufacturer looking to modernise its production system, while ensuring the highest possible quality standards and guaranteeing its resilience.
To define its roadmap, our team first worked to build a shared ambition with the various business lines. We then defined the projects to be carried out and structured the governance team. We assisted this core team in writing its roadmap and supported them in managing it.
In this way, we were able to define the elements of industrial organisation, the major areas of digitalisation, the new connected technologies to be implemented and the methods of collaboration with suppliers in an ‘extended enterprise’.
Building of a national decarbonisation roadmap for an institutional player in the sector
We helped an institutional player to structure its approach to decarbonisation issues in order to define the most appropriate courses of action for its situation.
To do this, we first carried out a diagnosis of the situation with regard to its carbon emissions. We then defined its decarbonisation objectives and measured its ambition against its current practices. A roadmap was then structured around the action levers identified with internal stakeholders and based on external investigations (voice of players interacting with our client, inspiration from others who had already initiated this type of approach). Finally, we supported our customer in its management with regular updates.
In this way, we succeeded in defining the objectives and actions to be taken on an individual basis, involving our client’s various business lines and regularly measuring its progress.
Workshop organization: co-definition of a shared ambition and an associated roadmap
We supported the members of the management committee of a leading player in the vaccine industry in the co-construction of the ambition and the definition of the company’s five-year strategic roadmap. First, our team conducted an initial preparation phase for the workshop (analysis of the company’s current situation, understanding of the key challenges within 5 years, possible ways of evolution for the company and each function, etc.).
We then organized a two-day workshop mixing plenary sessions (co-definition of the ambition, intervention of external speakers,…), co-construction sessions in sub-groups (declination of the ambition into action plans by strategic pillar,…) and moments of fun, exchange or team-building during breaks, lunches and evenings.
This exercise enabled our client to reach its objective of co-construction, by aligning its management committee towards an evolution desired and shared by all, while reinforcing cohesion within the whole team.
Development of the AI ambition of a public institution in terms of R&D, as well as its strategic roadmap and the identification of relevant partners
Our client, a public institution in the healthcare sector, wanted to define its ambition in terms of AI for its R&D activities, as well as the best means of implementing it.
Capitalising on an initial mapping exercise, we defined the internal needs of the various R&D teams and the potential applications of AI in their activities. We then investigated a wide range of existing technological solutions, to identify those that could meet the needs identified and that were accessible in terms of cost and ease of implementation. The most relevant potential partners for their implementation were also identified and prioritised.
Finally, Alcimed supported this public institution in the construction of a clear roadmap for the implementation of the priority solutions.
You have a project?
To go further
Founded in 1993, Alcimed is an innovation and new business consulting firm, specializing in innovation driven sectors: life sciences (healthcare, biotech, agrifood), energy, environment, mobility, chemicals, materials, cosmetics, aeronautics, space and defence.
Our purpose? Helping both private and public decision-makers explore and develop their uncharted territories: new technologies, new offers, new geographies, possible futures, and new ways to innovate.
Located across eight offices around the world (France, Europe, Singapore and the United States), our team is made up of 220 highly-qualified, multicultural and passionate explorers, with a blended science/technology and business culture.
Our dream? To build a team of 1,000 explorers, to design tomorrow’s world hand in hand with our clients.
An essential component of a development plan, the project roadmap describes the main steps in the progression of a structure or project over a 1, 3 or 5 year horizon in a clear, structured, coherent and realistic manner.
Drawing up a roadmap translates corporate ambitions into concrete actions to ensure the transformation of companies faced with new challenges. It gives teams visibility, because it describes, for each person involved, the path to be followed with its intermediate stages, and the criteria for success. In this way, it makes a major contribution to aligning the organisation towards a common goal. The roadmap is also a key document for sizing the human and financial resources needed to achieve the ambition.