Public-Private Partnerships

Private equity Agency Consulting firm Experts Specialists Consultancy

Accelerate your public-interest projects by creating a public-private partnership

For more than 30 years, our team of public policy specialists has been supporting public and private players in setting up public-private partnerships (PPPs) to develop mutually beneficial, high value-added partnerships.

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    The challenges related to public private partnerships

    Public-private partnerships bring together private companies and public authorities around a research, development, investment or infrastructure project.

    Despite public-private partnerships becoming more and more common, their success is not always guaranteed. A successful association of private and public stakeholders must indeed go through several challenges:

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      How we support you in your public private partnerships

      With over 80% of our activity carried out with private companies and in particular large industrial groups, our team has an excellent knowledge of the challenges and realities of the private world.

      We apply these within the framework of our support of public bodies in PPP projects. Our experience enables us to build a common ground for dialogue and cooperation within research partnerships, collaborative projects, investment and infrastructure projects as well as common strategies.

      Very often, the public entities we support in this public private partnership process are research centers and institutes, as well as healthcare facilities. Our team also supports private stakeholders in their PPP projects.

      What they say

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        Lionel LIMOUSY


      Examples of recent public private partnerships carried out for our clients

      • Creation of a strategy and a public private investment project in the field of new technologies related to agriculture

        Alcimed supported a consortium bringing together public bodies and private companies in the agricultural sector to target the theme of new technologies related to agriculture, providing it with a differentiation advantage to create value. Following an investigation and market study, we opted for a strategy around agricultural data and interoperability. We have also worked to build the conditions necessary for the deployment of an experimental public-private investment project intended to provide a POC on this theme.

      • Setting up an innovation hub around the energy transition in the Haut-Rhin for a public private partnership

        Alcimed supported the strategic reflection to prepare for post-Fessenheim, in Haut-Rhin in France, by setting up an innovation hub bringing together public and private partners able to develop large-scale industrial projects in the field of energy transition. The innovation hub model created is at the crossroads of Carnot, IRT / ITE and existing structures in the Haut-Rhin territory.

      • Definition of the attractiveness strategy and thematic positioning of a world-class health campus

        Alcimed worked closely with public and private bodies of a leading French territory in health and medical technologies for the definition of the strategy for a world-class health campus. Our team brought its expertise in the field of healthcare and its current challenges and potentials to reach a relevant positioning. We then tested the attractiveness of this positioning directly with private decision-makers in the United States, Europe and Asia, to better define their expectations.

      • Definition of the commercial process of a Carnot Institute with companies to promote public private partnerships

        At Alcimed, we have been supporting several Carnot institutes in their development strategies. Our team assisted one of these institutes in defining its commercial process and in training its teams in the “sales posture” with the aim of strengthening the collaborations and contracts between this institute and private companies. Around twenty laboratory directors were trained in the sales posture during meetings, with the aim of increasing public private partnerships.

      • Evaluation of the strategies for developing public-private partnerships for pharma and biotech companies in public healthcare markets

        Alcimed supported a biotech company in understanding the strategic implications of bringing new therapies to market in a country that requires local manufacturing to enter the public healthcare market.

        First of all, our team assessed the terms of previous public-private partnership deals as benchmarks for what could be expected at each level of development and commercialization. We analyzed  historically fruitful collaborations with other companies and  interviewed business development leaders. Then we structured a framework to approach the country’s government on suitable terms for both the public strucuture and the client, highlighting requirements and points of negotiation.

        As a result, the client received a strategic plan on how to negotiate with the local stakeholders as well as advice on how to make a go/no go decision on future deals, based on the impact on IP protection and other strategic considerations.

      • Identification of public and semi-public funding opportunities for translational research

        Alcimed supported a pharma company to identify the most relevant public and semi-public funding opportunities to finance an R&D translational center in a specific region.

        To do so, our team performed desk research to identify existing partnerships between pharma companies and public funding bodies in the region. Moreover, we mapped public funding opportunities for clinical and/or translational research. Finally, we interviewed KOLs to assess the interest of the local governments to collaborate with foreign companies and the attractiveness of the research ecosystem with a focus on specific technology areas.

        Thanks to our work, our client could prioritize what country to target based on a thorough understanding of the research landscape and of the main public funding agencies sponsoring programs for translational research in each country.

      You have a project?

        Tell us about your uncharted territory

        You have a project and want to discuss it with our explorers, write us!

        One of our explorers will contact you shortly.