Opportunity evaluation

Opportunity evaluation Agency Consulting firm Experts Specialists Consultancy

Analyze the viability and profitability of a new activity

For more than 30 years, our specialized team has been supporting companies in assessing their business opportunities, whether in products, technologies, services or markets.

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    The key success factors of an opportunity evaluation

    Opportunity evaluation is an essential step in deciding whether to invest in a new project, whether it’s accessing a new market with an existing solution, launching a new product or service, or acquiring and deploying technology. It is a rigorous exercise, requiring multiple analyses, and is based on several key success factors:

      Tell us about your uncharted territory

      You have a project and want to discuss it with our explorers, write us!

      One of our explorers will contact you shortly.

      How we support you in your opportunity evaluations

      When carrying out an opportunity evaluation, our analysis dimensions are varied and adapted to the problems of our client: regulatory, technological, economic, ethical, sociological aspects, etc. Through these dimensions, we evaluate the attractiveness of opportunities as opposed to their feasibility, all within a given time horizon, which allows us to distinguish between “quick-wins” and longer-term projects.

      Alcimed has developed a particular know-how in evaluating business opportunities in very specialized or even niche markets (orphan diseases, emerging technologies, specific geographies, etc.) where information and/or expertise are generally limited.

      What they say

      • TCV_schneider_miniature_site_EN_min

        Hervé DUJARDIN

        Innovation & technology Director

      • TCV_Nestle_HS_miniature_site_EN_min

        Bernard Cuenoud

        Global Head of Research and Clinical Development

      • TCV_biomerieux_miniature_site_EN

        Bertrand Mérot


      • TCV_biomerieux_miniature_site_EN_min

        Lionel LIMOUSY


      Examples of recent opportunity evaluations carried out for our clients

      • Strategic evaluation of a digital health opportunity in the pain management market

        We supported a pharmaceutical company to take a position on a proposed acquisition of a new digital pain management solution.

        We characterized the key markets in pain management by segmenting them by geography and use case, and evaluated the potential for the solution, taking into account, regulatory specificities, market access, cultural habits, etc. Finally, we validated the value proposition of the start-up’s value proposition and recommended to our client to proceed with the technical due diligence.

      • Selection of the best development opportunities for a gene therapy in rare diseases

        We supported a biotech company specialized in gene therapy for rare diseases in one of its strategic development projects. Our client’s goal was to build a franchise in the field of neuro-ophthalmology for the next 5 years.

        The main challenge being related to the nature of rare diseases (little or no information, a strong dispersion of patients, poorly optimized care pathways, strong disparities between geographies…), we assisted our client in a commercial pre-evaluation on 3 rare ophthalmic diseases: description of the disease, epidemiological analysis, diagnosis and treatment practices, competitive landscape, unmet needs,… in order to guide our client towards commercial opportunities, indicate how to address them, and recommend the opportunity to work on in priority.

      • Opportunity evaluation for a companion medical device

        We helped the Cardiology division of one of our clients understand whether a start-up developing a home-based medical device, which measures a cardiac parameter of interest, may be an appropriate partner for a strategic investment; and whether the medical device of this start-up can be profitable as a stand-alone product within a 3-to-5-year time horizon.

        To do so, our team first realized an analysis of the revenue projections of the start-up via a benchmark of the activities of similar companies, an in-depth study of the competition, and an estimation of the market potential in several geographies. We then conducted a strategic audit of the start-up’s assets.

        In the end, our study enabled us to recommend to our client to include the device into its portfolio rather than marketing it as a stand-alone product.

      • Opportunity evaluation and search for partners in e-health

        We assisted one of our clients, a leading industrial player in healthcare, in the evaluation of a strategic opportunity in the e-health speech disorders market.

        To do so, our team conducted a literature review and interviews to identify the players, understand and evaluate the teletherapy market for speech and language disorders. We interviewed potential partners to understand their solutions, their current business models and to evaluate their willingness to partner with our client. For this search for partners, our team developed an interactive Excel tool to describe and visualize the potential partnering models between our client and each of the companies studied.

        In the end, our client was able to short-list partners, meet with them and conclude an agreement with one of them.

      • Analysis of the opportunity to use exosomes as therapeutic vectors for a pharmaceutical company

        Alcimed carried out a state-of-the-art and an analysis of the commercial potential of treatments using exosomes for a pharmaceutical company. The objective for our client was to decide whether adding this technology to their portfolio was relevant.

        To do this, we carried out a multifaceted analysis covering production methods, an estimate of the production capacity required, the maturity of the technology, regulatory aspects, as well as the market and the main players.

        Ultimately, our investigative and analytical work enabled us to draw up strategic recommendations enabling our client to make its decision.

      • Opportunity evaluation for the transposition of a technology to a new healthcare field for a medical device company

        A medical device company wanted to explore the possibility of extending their technology to a new field: oncology. The study focused in particular on unmet needs in this field.

        To do this, we carried out a literature review and numerous interviews with experts around the world, in order to identify opportunities arising from needs and gaps expressed by healthcare professionals. We also carried out a competitive study to better understand the market environment and the threats to our client.

        The results of our study enabled our client to determine whether there was a need for this technology in oncology and to validate the existence of a potential market.

      You have a project?

        Tell us about your uncharted territory

        You have a project and want to discuss it with our explorers, write us!

        One of our explorers will contact you shortly.