New offers

New offers Agency Consulting firm Experts Specialists Consultancy

Stand out from the competition with new, differentiated offerings

For more than 30 years, our specialized team has been supporting companies in the creation of their new offers: new products, new services, new business models, new distribution channels or new digital channels.

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    They trust us


    Key success factors for a new offer

    At several moments in a company’s life, creating new offers becomes essential to support business growth by meeting new customers’ needs and stay ahead of the competition with innovative and differentiating offers. But not only! Creating new offers can also help shape a market, keep customer engages, or enhance brand image. Creating new offers involves several key success factors such as:

    How we support you in building new offers

    At Alcimed, we help our clients to imagine and build new offers. In addition to building these new offers, we also help our clients to compare their offers with the reality of the market, to differentiate them from the competition, to estimate their potential, to establish their business case, or to take charge of their commercial development until they reach a first level of sales.

    What they say

    • TCV_schneider_miniature_site_EN_min

      Hervé DUJARDIN

      Innovation & technology Director

    • TCV_biomerieux_miniature_site_EN

      Bertrand Mérot


    • TCV_Renault_trucks_miniature_site_EN_min

      Laurent Javey

      Services & Network Development Director, France

    • TCV_biomerieux_miniature_site_EN_min

      Philippe Caillat

      Marketing Director

    Examples of recent new offers carried out for our clients

    • New service-offering in healthcare: implementation of services for doctors and patients

      One of our customers, a world pharmaceutical leader, wanted to secure the position of one of their blockbusters by setting up new associated services for healthcare professionals but also for patients.

      We identified, evaluated and selected the relevant services to be offered and then defined the offer, up to its operational implementation within a dozen subsidiaries.

    • New pharma offers: Real-World Evidence data collection

      We explored the opportunity to use digital solutions for the generation and collection of Real-World Evidence (RWE) data for a leading healthcare company.

      For this project our teams evaluated the different data capture technologies, their characteristics, advantages and limitations as well as the existing approaches for their use in France in RWE. Following our analysis, we defined four approaches for the implementation of the selected digital data solutions and established for our client an operational action plan for the realization of pilot projects.

    • New nutrition offers: new product leads in infant milk

      Our team explored the field of natural alternatives to cow’s milk to help a major player in the food industry innovate its range of infant milks. Our customer wanted to inspire its R&D teams by analyzing all the possible alternatives to cow’s milk, so that together they could create a roadmap for new product offerings.

      By identifying and characterizing alternatives to cow’s milk, both animal and plant-based, and then selecting and prioritizing these solutions, Alcimed helped its customer identify new product avenues, enabling it to define a new product development plan adapted to this trend, and thus meet consumer expectations.

    • Development of a new service offering for hospitals launching a new breast cancer treatment

      We supported a leading pharmaceutical company in the creation of a service offering dedicated to a new product in preparation for launch. In order to differentiate itself from existing treatments on the market, the company wanted to offer a range of services associated with its treatment to hospitals, in response to unmet needs.

      To develop this new service offering, our team first organized an ideation workshop bringing together marketing managers from other industries to imagine differentiating services. We then gathered the expectations of the hospital staff concerned and pre-tested initial service ideas, before defining more precisely several à la carte service packs and testing these different packages.

      In the end, we co-constructed and implemented with our customer 3 à la carte product and associated service packs for hospitals to choose from, depending on their context and needs.

    • Creation of a new service offering for the automotive sector

      We supported one of our industrial customers in identifying and characterizing segments of interest for the development of a new service offering, and in building a sales strategy adapted to a new sector of activity for our customer: the automotive industry. Alcimed’s project team first identified and selected the segments of interest for our customer’s offer, then the priority segments were characterized more precisely and were the subject of a business model proposal. Next, a business development strategy was drawn up, including a prospecting strategy and sales tools, to enable our customer to rapidly enter the automotive sector and organize initial meetings with prospects.

    • Creation of a new as-a-service offering to expand a target customer base in the field of ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance)

      Our team worked with a defense company looking to build a new as-a-service offering in the field of ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance) to extend its target to the civilian sector, and go beyond its traditional defense customers. We helped our client gain a clearer vision of the ISR ecosystem and the needs and expectations of potential customers. Our analysis also enabled us to strengthen our client’s offering and test its receptiveness to potential prospects. Finally, we identified partners of interest for launching this new offering.

    • Definition of a digital as-a-service platform dedicated to optimizing airline operations for an aeronautical player

      Alcimed helped an aeronautical company define a new digital service offering designed to provide pilots and airlines with tools, scenarios and recommendations to help them optimize their operations. To this end, we carried out a receptivity study with key players and potential users, in order to assess the potential value for airlines, as well as their needs and expectations. An analysis of market trends combined with a characterization of needs enabled us to identify potential high value-added offers for the most suitable airline profiles. The result for our customer? The identification of the sources of value to be targeted, an initial segmentation of airline profiles with their associated needs and expectations, and finally the definition of the most appropriate offer for each of these profiles.

    • Definition of a new and differentiating teleassistance offering for a homecare player

      Our team supported a homecare company in the definition of a new teleassistance offer for the elderly that could differentiate them from other players within this increasingly competitive market.

      To help our client find innovative and unique offers to propose, we first deciphered the offerings of teleassistance companies in key countries and the needs and expectations of the potential customers. We then built new bricks for our customer’s offering, capitalizing on a design thinking methodology, using the results of our investigation as a starting point, and involving our customer’s teams.

      On this basis, we supported our client in identifying the potential new offers that could be launched in the 5 next years and clarifying their next steps for the development of those new offers.

    • Definition of the new offers and associated marketing strategy for a pharmaceutical primary packaging company

      Alcimed supported a drugs’ primary packaging company in defining a set of 7 new offers and the associated marketing strategy to highlight the company’s unique cutting-edge technology.

      We first undertook a competitive analysis and investigated the market’s unmet needs to understand competitor’s claims. We organized brainstorming sessions with our client to generate new ideas for offers that could set the company apart from its competitors. As a result of this, we came up with new offers ideas that focus not only on the product itself but also on the services surrounding it. Once the new offers had been defined, we carried out pre-short tests on potential customers to identify any necessary adjustments.

      On this basis, we were able to co-construct with our client a strategy and value proposition by establishing 7 offers built around 3 topics: the packaging system, the services proposed, and the business sustainability. We also embarked the sales team providing them with all necessary documents for commercial purposes.

    You have a project?

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      You have a project and want to discuss it with our explorers, write us!

      One of our explorers will contact you shortly.