Search for funding opportunities

Search for fundings Agency Consulting firm Experts Specialists Consultancy

Identify your sources of funding and build a solid funding application

For more than 30 years, our specialized team has been supporting companies in their search for funding by identifying possible sources of funding for their innovative projects, and by formalizing their requests for funding from private and public financiers.

    Tell us about your uncharted territory

    You have a project and want to discuss it with our explorers, write us!

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    The challenges of search for funding opportunities

    Securing funding is a key step in the life of a project, especially in its early years. Numerous funding opportunities exist, especially for projects with strong technological and prospective components. However, embarking on a funding  quest requires the  consideration of several challenges:

    How we support you in your search for funding opportunities

    Our tailor-made support enables us to optimize the financing of our clients’ projects by identifying partners and channels likely to support them (banks, public aid, private funds, crowdfunding, etc.). Our global approach to finding funding starts with the identification of needs, allowing the construction of the business plan necessary to formalize the financial file.

    We then support our clients in the follow-up and management of their project financing.

    Finally, we go as far as integrating an open innovation approach associating external partners in order to solidify our clients’ projects in their search for funding.

    Examples of recent search for funding opportunities carried out for our clients

    • Search for funding and assistance in the preparation of a “Eurostars” financing application

      Our team has assisted project leaders in the preparation of a “Eurostars” funding application and the search for French and European industrial partners.

      Alcimed carried out a diagnosis of the current state of the project and then assisted the project leaders in identifying and setting up partnerships (establishing contacts and developing the consortium). Following this, we wrote the financial file, in collaboration with the project leaders on the non-scientific parts, and proceeded to a global critical review, until the final file was sent.

      Our support in this search for funding allowed our client to structure its approach from A-to-Z and to guarantee an optimization of the content and form of its financial file.

    • Building a PO FEDER FSE application file and search for funding for the deployment of a “Living Lab”

      We have supported two French regions in the construction of an application file for the PO FEDER FSE with a view to the deployment of a “Living Lab”.

      Our team identified and mobilized the key local actors and then organized working meetings in the form of workshops in order to design a “Living Lab,” meeting the expectations of the funding client and the holder of the AAP. This work allowed for the construction of the response file to the AAP and the implementation schedule. Alcimed proposed a legal structure (operator, evolution towards a SCIC) and built a viable and sustainable economic model.

      This work allowed our client to define the governance of the future “Living Lab” and to raise the necessary funds for its creation.

    • Search for funding regarding the launch of an open innovation challenge in the field of robotics

      We created and launched a one-off external open innovation challenge for an energy company looking to boost a new innovation model in the field of robotics.

      Our teams assisted our client in defining the synopsis, writing the rules of the game and the technical specifications, identifying financing methods, and launching the challenge.

      Around thirty teams responded to the challenge at the international level, but only one team won!

    • Search for funding and preparation of applications: mapping of funding possibilities and preparation of applications for innovative start-ups

      Our team helped the project leaders of an incubator to map the existing public and private innovation funding mechanisms and to put together funding applications.

      We first worked on identifying and characterizing public innovation funding windows in France and Europe: funder, eligibility criteria, associated amounts and types of funding. Secondly, our team identified and characterized the private seed and fundraising mechanisms associated with the development of innovation in France, enabling our client to select the appropriate funding channels for its various projects.

      Our team then assisted the project leaders in drafting their financing applications.

    • Support of a research and innovation center in responding to a Horizon Europe call for projects

      To support its research activities, especially to finance the design of a demonstrator under real conditions, our client had identified a European call for projects, Horizon Europe. To respond to it and maximize its chances of funding, it gathered around fifteen European partners for its project and called on Alcimed to benefit from assistance in structuring its future project. We thus accompanied this institute through the preparation of a dossier with impactful content, meeting the expectations of the European Commission, by animating the members of the future consortium. We notably participated in drafting sections on the project’s impact, its organization, and its governance, and we conducted a critical review of the entire dossier. This project eventually obtained funding of several million euros after a second submission.

    • Support of a biotech company in structuring and formalizing a funding application file to Bpifrance

      Our client, a company in the field of biotechnology, was preparing to open a French subsidiary to support a collaboration with a research institute. Our team was commissioned to accompany this company in the search for financing opportunities and in the formalization of a funding request for this project. For this purpose, we conducted a first phase of research on financing opportunities relevant to our client. We identified about twenty of them, retaining only two. We then assisted our client in the development of a file, particularly on scientific and commercial aspects. Finally, we enabled our client to submit a solid and impactful file through a critical review of the entire dossier.

    • Identification of funding opportunities linked to PIA 4 for companies from a large professional federation

      Alcimed deciphered the PIA 4 and the France Relance Plan to identify and analyze the financing mechanisms of interest for the companies of a large professional federation.

      Our team presented over ten mechanisms during a webinar that brought together nearly a hundred participants.

      We also made our recommendations for taking full advantage of these current and future opportunities, both for the companies in this federation and for the federation itself.

    You have a project?

      Tell us about your uncharted territory

      You have a project and want to discuss it with our explorers, write us!

      One of our explorers will contact you shortly.