Diversification strategy

Diversification strategy Agency Consulting firm Experts Specialists Consultancy

Diversify your activities to de-risk or increase your revenues

For more than 30 years, our specialized team has been supporting companies in their diversification strategy, whether through the development or acquisition of new strategic activities, or through the expansion of their existing activities into new markets.

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    The key success factors of a diversification strategy

    Diversification can be a strategic way for companies to mitigate risks and to grow by increasing the customer base and market share. However, a successful diversification strategy requires intensive planning and risk assessment to avoid common pitfalls. The main key success factors associated to diversification are to:

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      How we support you in your diversification strategy

      Our team support you in developing and acquiring new businesses or expanding your existing businesses into new markets. We work both on strategic reflections related to a desire for diversification and on the operational implementation of the defined strategies.

      What they say

      • TCV_biomerieux_miniature_site_EN

        Bertrand Mérot


      Examples of recent diversification strategies carried out for our clients

      • Diversification strategy to go from drugs to herbal medicine

        We helped a pharmaceutical company make a strategic decision to diversify their activities in the field of herbal medicine.

        This diversification project was based on a study of 7 countries of interest in order to understand both the potential of this field and the possible synergies with existing activities in terms of medical sales, distribution, reputation, production, etc. In the end, Alcimed conducted 2 strategic scenarios allowing a successful entry in this field.

      • Organization of a multi-sectoral round table around the possible diversification strategies

        We worked with an insurance company that, having a niche positioning, wanted to diversify towards new customer segments.

        Our client called on our team to overcome the inertia of this strategic subject internally, which had been stagnating for many months. In order to advance this subject and the associated decision making, we organized a round table with five players from other business sectors, who had achieved a diversification almost similar to that of our client.

        These exchanges on diversification strategies allowed us to generate inspiration as to the paths that could be taken and to highlight the key success factors and the pitfalls to avoid in this diversification strategy, thus reassuring our client’s management committee on the necessity and the method to carry out this development successfully.

        Following this roundtable, we continued our support to help our client finalize his diversification strategy by confronting on the market the three previously identified diversification scenarios, until the management committee took their final decision.

      • Concentric diversification strategy for a pharmaceutical player

        One of our clients, a global pharmaceutical leader, wanted to secure the position of one of its blockbusters facing an intense competition and to diversify its activities by setting up new associated services for healthcare professionals and patients.

        In this project, our team first conducted a phase of identification of potential services via a benchmark of hospital and out-of-hospital healthcare services and a study of the unmet needs of patients and physicians in several countries. After this first phase, we evaluated and selected (according to several criteria co-defined with our client) the most relevant services to develop to diversify its activities.

        Once the services were selected, we then defined the product and service offer “packs” and declined them operationally within a dozen of subsidiaries.

      • Diversification strategy in the pharma industry: creating new solutions for real-life data collection

        We supported one of our clients, a leader company in the healthcare sector, who wanted to explore the opportunity to diversify its activities through the integration and use of digital solutions for the generation and collection of real-life data (Real-World Evidence – RWE).

        For this project, our teams evaluated the different data capture technologies, their characteristics, advantages and limitations, as well as the existing approaches for their use in France in RWE. Following our analysis, we defined four approaches enabling our client to integrate and implement these new services of digital data solutions and we co-built an operational action plan for the realization of pilot projects.

        In the end, one of the pilots was successful and our client was able to launch new services to diversify its activities.

      • Identification of the best diversification strategies for a federation of mobility clubs

        Alcimed supported a federation of mobility clubs to analyze diversification strategies adopted by its best-performing member clubs in EMEA and identified the most interesting ones to be recommended to other clubs in the federation.

        First of all, our team analyzed the outcomes of a survey that was distributed among member clubs and interviewed members of top-performing clubs. Then, we organized a workshop to share key learnings and diversification strategies with all the members of the federation.

        The client received an in-depth overview of strategies and concrete initiatives undertaken by its top-notch clubs to diversify their portfolio of products and services. Moreover, the best practices were shared internally to promote the launch of diversification initiatives by all member clubs.

      • Implementation of a diversification strategy for the business of an aerospace company

        Alcimed helped an aerospace company to define how to better diversify their business.

        To do so, our team mapped all possible business opportunities and underlying services offered by other players in the field. Then we identified the most promising ones for the client based on market attractiveness, competition and alignment with the client’s business. Finally, we built an action plan to implement the identified services.

        The client received a broad overview of all services offered by other companies and a detailed characterization of the most relevant ones. Moreover, they received a roadmap with the next steps required to develop the most promising identified services.

      • Diversification of the supply strategy of a green hydrogen producer

        Alcimed supported an industrial player involved in the production of green hydrogen in its strategy to diversify its supplies.

        In the first stage, we mapped the key areas of expertise to be considered in order to identify potential new partners, by analysing industrial fields outside our client’s ecosystem with a view to establishing technology transfers. Secondly, our team identified and evaluated the industrial players capable of meeting our customer’s specifications.

        By broadening the field of possibilities, this approach enabled our customer to identify new partner profiles capable of supporting them in their future developments.

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