Customer engagement

Increase the engagement of your customers and their interactions with your brand
For more than 30 years, our specialized team has been supporting companies in the definition or redesign of their customer engagement models, to improve the impact of their interactions and increase the value they deliver to their customers.
They trust us

The challenges related to customer engagement
With the rise of digital technology and its impact on customer relations, companies must rethink their sales and communication approaches in order to keep generating customer engagement. Designing and developing the right customer engagement strategy, particularly in the pharmaceutical industry, requires consideration of several key challenges:
Thinking of a relevant customer engagement model requires synchronization with the uses, needs and expectations of end customers. Despite extensive and regular contact with its customers, the pharmaceutical industry sometimes lacks the “insights” to effectively shape new engagement models.
What are the needs, expectations and uses of my end customers? What content, channels and formats should be developed to meet them?
How to bring a multidisciplinary team around a brand to build new engagement models by asking the right questions and in the right order. Indeed, the idea here is to get away from a logical sequence of multiplying actions and tactics and to think of a coordinated, articulated, “customer-centric” action, making it possible to create the engagement to achieve the defined business objectives.
How to mobilize and coordinate all the stakeholders involved in building a new customer engagement model? How to articulate actions to promote the engagement of targeted customers?
Industrial players remain mainly based on traditional models involving massive field forces. The latter now feel challenged by these new customer engagement approaches, even threatened, while the transformation on this subject requires on the contrary that these stakeholders take a central place in the implementation of these new models. Supporting and involving the teams in this transformation is therefore a key challenge.
How to make these new engagement models a reality? How to lead the internal transition to a new engagement model? What approach should be put in place to mobilize and support the teams involved?
The digitalization of customer engagement models makes it possible to generate significant data flows that can then be used, analysed and developed to generate a logic of continuous improvement on these subjects: more data makes it possible to understand the impact of the actions developed and to provide information on the preferences and uses of customers; in return, all this helps shape the next actions that will constitute a new engagement model.
What data to recover and how? How can practices be improved and the models put in place on the basis of the data collected?
How we support you in your customer engagement projects
We support our clients in all healthcare industries, from global to local.
With regard to the challenges listed above, we support you on 4 pillars, throughout the concept of the customer engagement model:
- Help you better understand your customers and identify key insights that will in turn shape the most relevant engagement models.
- Support you in the concrete construction of your customer engagement model, whether from a strategic or tactical point of view.
- Then support you in the deployment of this or these model(s): creation of new content, change management, acquisition of new channels, implementation of new organizations and processes, etc.
- Finally, support you in analyzing the data from these activities and defining new customer insights or recommendations to adapt and develop your model.
What they say
"Alcimed bring in some cross-industry views, which I just do not have the capacity to see myself."
Philip HO
Global Vaccines Public Affairs
Examples of recent customer engagement projects carried out for our clients
Definition of new digital approaches to customer engagement for a pharmaceutical player
Our team supported an international pharmaceutical stakeholder in the digitalization of its interactions with its customers in the context of the health crisis. Beyond being a constraint, the Covid-19 crisis has enabled pharmaceutical industrial players to test multiple digital initiatives to maintain the relationship and engagement of their customers.
To help our client rethink their approach, we first detected the existing best practices internally within the Asia-Pacific teams, then analyzed cases of inspiring benchmarks in this area.
On this basis, we were able to co-construct with our client a concrete and specific action plan to strengthen its digital engagement actions for healthcare professionals and enable it to innovate on these subjects compared to its competitors.
Transformation of customer engagement models and adaptation of the role of sales teams in a subsidiary
Our client, sales director of a subsidiary of a leading pharmaceutical company, had ambitious goals for transforming its customer engagement model and was facing reluctance and concerns from its field forces, linked to the fear of seeing their role disappear or devalued in these new models. We supported our client in the organization and facilitation of several work sessions with the following objectives:
- to explain the challenges of this necessary transformation
- to inspire the sales teams about the importance of their role by projecting their development
- to work together to build a roadmap for change.
Our project has enabled our client to unite its teams around this development and to clarify the stages of transformation towards a new customer engagement model.
Redesign of a global customer engagement strategy for a pharmaceutical player
Our client wanted to overhaul its engagement strategy with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and in particular rethink the nature of the content to be offered to these stakeholders. We began by redefining a segmentation of KOLs starting from their fundamental objectives and needs.
For each of the redefined segments, we then identified the key content to offer in a logical sequence of customer engagement, in particular by isolating the most original and innovative content to offer as well as the best formats to convey this content.
We ultimately selected 3 new concepts to offer (content + format) that were added to the business plan of our client’s “content factory”.
Redefinition of a customer engagement model for a range of prescription products using a Data approach
As part of an internal reorganization disrupting the organization of its promotional network, our client, a Business Unit Director of a pharma subsidiary, wanted to redefine the most effective promotional model to develop to maximize the performance of its customer engagement with constant resources.
To do this, we developed a 100% data science approach with the aim of making all of our client’s internal data speak for itself. We started by collecting and structuring all the available data (sales data, activity data, budget, etc.) in order to prepare our analysis. An econometric model then enabled us to answer the following three questions: which segments of prescribers have the most potential? What is the best engagement model to put in place with these segments? What is the best sales organization to capture the target potential?
Finally, and after having modeled different scenarios, we recommended to our client an optimal scenario, implemented since our project together.
Creation of innovative content to optimize a cardiology patient care pathway in Europe
Our client, a European pharmaceutical leader, was selling an innovative product in cardiology for which no new clinical data would be generated in the coming years. Its challenge was therefore to think of an innovative engagement model that would “open the doctor’s door” without relying on the traditional use of data. We then built together an original content creation project around the idea of optimizing the care pathway. The pathology concerned was not properly taken care of in the vast majority of cases due to various issues throughout the patient pathway. We supported our client with the help of a committee of KOLs in the identification and selection of best practices deployed at the European level to optimize these pathways. These best practices were then transformed into high impact content (3 publications in particular) which were distributed through various channels to a large number of prescribers.
Développement d’une stratégie et d’une feuille de route d’amélioration de l'expérience client à l’hôpital pour un acteur pharmaceutique
Notre équipe a accompagné la filiale française d’un industriel pharmaceutique dans la transformation de leur expérience client auprès des hôpitaux afin d’améliorer la clarté, la fluidité et l’efficience de leurs échanges avec les équipes hospitalières. En effet, le personnel hospitalier se plaignait de lourdeur administrative et de manque d’informations quant à l’utilisation de nouvelles thérapies.
Pour aider notre client à repenser son approche auprès des équipes médicales, nous avons d’abord mobilisé l’ensemble des équipes (marketing, commerciales, délégués médicaux) pour qu’ils puissent s’aligner ensemble sur les objectifs et enjeux liés à l’expérience client en effectuant des entretiens en interne. Ces insights nous ont permis d’organiser une session d’idéation sous forme de jeu télévisé avec toutes les équipes afin de définir les nouvelles modalités d’interaction permettant d’améliorer les échanges avec les équipes hospitalières.
Ce processus de travail a permis à l’ensemble des équipes de notre client de s’aligner sur les priorités stratégiques et de définir des actions à mettre en place pour améliorer l’expérience des équipes hospitalières en lien avec l’utilisation de leurs thérapies innovantes.
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To go further
Founded in 1993, Alcimed is an innovation and new business consulting firm, specializing in innovation driven sectors: life sciences (healthcare, biotech, agrifood), energy, environment, mobility, chemicals, materials, cosmetics, aeronautics, space and defence.
Our purpose? Helping both private and public decision-makers explore and develop their uncharted territories: new technologies, new offers, new geographies, possible futures, and new ways to innovate.
Located across eight offices around the world (France, Europe, Singapore and the United States), our team is made up of 220 highly-qualified, multicultural and passionate explorers, with a blended science/technology and business culture.
Our dream? To build a team of 1,000 explorers, to design tomorrow’s world hand in hand with our clients.
A customer engagement model is the sum of all the interactions between an industrial player and its customers, implemented in a logical sequence of engagement.
Defining a customer engagement model and the associated strategy therefore requires starting from the business objectives that an organization wishes to achieve and the stakeholders to engage in order to achieve these objectives. The construction of an engagement model then consists in defining the nature of the engagement to be generated with these stakeholders and the methods to generate it: which content, to convey by which omnichannel approach, articulated around which routes and to generate which customer experience?
The 4 key steps to creating an effective customer engagement model are:
- Step 1 – Segment customers and define priorities.
- Step 2 – Define the engagement to be created.
- Step 3 – Build the journey: experience, content, channels and timeline.
- Step 4 – Monitor and continuously improve: activate, monitor, measure impact and improve engagement.