Alcimed Position Paper – FOOD 2050

The rapid and profound changes in the world are also impacting our plates: what will tomorrow’s food look like?
As the world’s population grows, resources are dwindling, environmental and societal challenges are multiplying… the players in the food industry are constantly innovating to meet these challenges and are accompanying or even redesigning our ways of consuming: laboratory meat, blockchains, virtual reality supermarkets, 3D printers…
In this whirlwind of challenges and transformations, it becomes complex to determine what our plate will look like in 30 years and what the challenges are for agri-food players to accompany these transitions.
At Alcimed, we have identified the major and emerging trends that are shaping our way of consuming and imagined how they will impact our food on the horizon of 2050 around 3 major questions:
– Which products will be consumed?
– How will food products be procured?
– How will we consume them?
From our prospective reflection, two scenarios have emerged, highlighting two visions of possible changes in consumption habits, which could have an impact at every step in the value chain.
With this position paper, we invite you to travel together towards 2050!
We will also be delighted to continue our reflections, with you and your teams, on the many topics that will shape tomorrow’s world, and to identify the key projects to work on today.