
Radiomic Agency Consulting firm Experts Specialists Consultancy

Improve diagnostics and develop more personalized treatments with radiomics

Our specialized team supports healthcare players in understanding new technologies that could improve cancer treatment pathways, whether through projects related to quality of life, improving and accelerating diagnostics, predicting treatment success, or developing new biomarkers.

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    The challenges related to radiomics

    Artificial intelligence, deep learning or machine learning algorithms are based on medical images and are developed to detect the smallest incoherences in abnormal tumor cells. Which in turn allows not only for the clinical development of new biomarkers or drugs, but also enables better patient segmentation into clinical trials, or choose the correct treatment predicting success.

    Overall, radiomic has the potential to transform the pharmaceutical industry by providing new insights into disease biology and enabling the development of more targeted and personalized therapies.

    Yet the technology is still an early one and we see several roadblocks ahead at least in complex diagnostic environments with high data variability. Some of these roadblocks can link to concerns regarding data sharing, the (often) heterogeneity of available features to develop and then integrate tools into practice and to make it applicable for all patients. In the same line a lack of multi-centric trials could negatively impact on reimbursement options later on.

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      How we support you in your projects related to radiomics

      Radiomic is quite a new topic in healthcare, and we have seen new questions around radiomics for 5 years, in Oncology and outside Oncology. Interestingly, the field is simultaneously explored by public institutions, big pharmas, and some biotechs from healthtech. Our proximity and projects with all these players allow us to stay at the top-edge of the current developments, and to have a global and in-depth understanding of the issues addressed in the field of radiomic.

      Our projects cover topics as diverse as new technologies, preparation of new clinical developments, the understanding of disease management and patients care pathways, identifying and studying potential partners to develop solutions around radiomics, launches of new assets, or the understanding of how real-life data can be collected and analyzed as well as to understand how patients data can be used to develop personalized cancer treatment offers.

      Examples of recent projects carried out for our clients in radiomics

      • Mapping and selecting artificial intelligence providers for digital pathology applications

        One of our clients, a leader in the medical device industry, was searching for a competent partner in programming artificial intelligence applications for digital pathology, with the objective of extending its product offering.

        To do so, our team conducted a global scouting of innovative AI providers, with an analysis in terms of technological maturity, business maturity and their network strength. Based on our study, a selection of prioritized providers was approached to explore opportunities for collaboration with our client.

      • Evaluation of digital solutions for medical imaging data collection

        We supported one of our clients, a leader in the healthcare sector, who wanted to explore the opportunity to diversify its activities through the integration and use of digital solutions for the generation and collection of medical imaging data.

        For this study, our teams evaluated the different data capture technologies available on the market and conducted an analysis of their features, their advantages and their limits, as well as the existing approaches for their use in several countries.

        Following our analysis, we defined 4 approaches enabling our client to integrate and to set up these new selected digital data services and established an operational action plan to carry out pilot projects. In the end, the pilot was successful and our client was able to launch a new differentiating offer.

      • Development and launch strategy of a new radiomic tool

        Alcimed supported a top pharma player in defining the strategy of a new radiomic tool specifically targeting rare cancer diagnosis.

        We helped our client to understand the current diagnosis pathways in addition to needs and challenges linked to it, identified trends in the indication, and aimed to understand how these trends and underlying future technologies will impact the current pathway and shape it in the future.

        We then conducted an analysis of the key features and expected level of proof to ensure a successful launch. Our study allowed our client to optimally design the last development stages of the tool and prepare for its launch.

      • Mapping of relevant digital technologies and players for workflow optimization and efficacy improvement in Diagnostic Imaging

        Alcimed helped a client explore new spaces in the field of AI in R&D and future win-win partnerships within decision-making process applications in the field of oncology.

        We helped our client by exploring current and future AI applications and solutions in R&D, identifying use cases and pharmaceutical companies in this field. We also supported their team in gaining understanding of the business models of AI players that could become future potential partners for them. Lastly we recommended on the most relevant applications and solutions to consider for future collaborations of portfolio integration.

        Our team deployed a concise methodology to map first of all kinds of applications and run a first level of analysis on them. Then we characterized relevant solutions and potential partners in depth for priority applications including development of use cases and recommendations for potential partnerships.

      • Understanding of the future of clinical pathways in oncology including current and future decision points and enabling technologies such as radiomics

        Alcimed worked with a provider of medical devices and digital healthcare solutions to identify potential technologies as a strategic fit to their portfolio.

        We supported our client by firstly drawing a map of the current standard of care pathway in different cancer indications, understanding involved stakeholders, technologies and decision points. Next, we identified future technologies including radiomics that possibly impact on this care pathway and identified technologies of certain maturity as well as commercial potential. In different rounds of strategic working sessions certain technologies were compared to the existing portfolio, and assumptions for strategic fit were drawn.

        Using this methodology allowed us to identify and select key technologies that our client further considered to incorporate into their existing portfolio.

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