France 2030

PIA 4 Agency Consulting firm Experts Specialists Consultancy

Obtain funding for your project with the “Investments for the Future” program

Since the first “Investments for the Future” program (PIA), our specialized team has supported public and private players in identifying opportunities related to these large-scale plans, responding to calls for projects, and strategizing and operationalizing their initiatives.

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    The challenges related to the Future Investment Program France 2030

    The funding associated with the France 2030 programme is substantial: €54 billion has been announced between now and 2030. However, taking advantage of this funding can be a challenge for public and private sector players, as the future investment programme is structured around a variety of strategies, calls for projects and innovation funding schemes that are sometimes difficult to understand. Three main issues stand out for those wishing to seize this unprecedented funding opportunity:

      Tell us about your uncharted territory

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      How we support you in your projects related to the future investment program PIA 4 and France 2030

      Alcimed works at different levels of a PIA 4 and France 2030 project. Upstream of funding, we can help you identify the right funding window, prepare a high added-value project (market study, partner search, etc.) and put together a winning application. Downstream, we can support your project by providing operational assistance (particularly in terms of sales and initial business flow, if necessary), helping you to diagnose your situation and your results, and working to redirect your strategy and roadmap. To do this, we rely on our excellent knowledge of the future investment programs, their funding mechanisms and the expectations of their evaluators, our expertise in putting together successful applications and our experience of the operational realities of the innovation projects we develop. The public-sector players we support in this process are very often research centres and institutes, as well as health establishments.

      What they say

      • TCV_Institut_Curie_miniature_site_EN_min

        Dr. Amaury Martin

        Directeur adjoint de l’Institut Curie

      Examples of recent projects carried out for our clients in PIA 4, France Relance and France 2030

      • Preparation of applications in response to the call for Hospital University Research projects (RHU) of the Investments for the Future programs

        We have been supporting the preparation of applications submitted by public-private consortia in response to calls for RHU projects (Hospital-University Research) for 5 years. As the right hand of the supported PU-PHs, our teams have helped with over thirty applications since the first wave, with several significant successes.

        We get involved starting from the scoping of the application, with consulting services for the development of the scientific roadmap and the consortium, right up to the submission of the application and the preparation for the oral interview.

      • Definition of the strategy of an Institut Carnot and support for the deployment of its commercial roadmap

        Instituts Carnot are powerful tools for promoting research set up within the framework of previous Investments for the Future programs.

        At Alcimed, we work closely with the Carnot ecosystem, and we support several institutes in their development strategies. We recently redesigned the strategic activity areas of a leading Institut Carnot, based on an in-depth analysis of its skills and its market potential, and we supported the teams to work on their roadmap and their commercial positioning.

        Finally, we also generated an first flow of partnerships, directly taking on a business development function on behalf of the Institut.

      • Identification of opportunities linked to PIA 4 for companies from a large professional federation

        Alcimed deciphered the PIA 4 and the France Relance Plan to identify and analyze the financing mechanisms of interest for the companies of a large professional federation.

        Our team presented over ten mechanisms during a webinar that brought together nearly a hundred participants.

        We also made our recommendations for taking full advantage of these current and future opportunities, both for the companies in this federation and for the federation itself.

      • Opportunity studies and market studies for innovative projects supported by Technology Transfer Acceleration Companies (SATT), created within the framework of the Investments for the Future program

        Alcimed is identified as a leading firm in supporting scientific project leaders from French research laboratories, in particular those supported by SATT (Technology Transfer Acceleration Companies).

        We thus support the innovations of tomorrow at the various stages of their development, from market research to fundraising preparation as well as the generation of a new business flow.

        For example, we work in the life sciences (healthcare, agrifood, biotech), energy, mobility, and digital sectors.

      • Support for the response to the third wave of University Hospital Institutes (IHU) under the France 2030 plan

        Alcimed has worked with several consortia to design, build and deploy large-scale research projects in response to the wave 3 IHU call for projects. More specifically, we help with :

        • Defining the project’s unique and original strategic positioning
        • Challenging the project, bringing a fresh eye and our expertise in putting together large-scale projects
        • Organising the entire methodology and management of the project, mobilising the teams and leading the project
        • Co-constructing a very high-level application file

        We supported the Women’s Cancer IHU, supported by the Institut Curie, PSL University and INSERM, in setting up its project, and are still supporting it in its operational implementation.

      • Support for University Hospital Centres (CHU) in their strategy to set up a health data warehouse

        Alcimed has assisted several university hospitals in defining the strategy for their health data warehouses, and in preparing a response file to the call for projects for “entrepôt de données de santé, wave 2” issued by Bpifrance as part of the France 2030 initiative. The aim of the projects submitted in response to this call for projects is to set up and strengthen a network of hospital health data warehouses to bring together the public and private research and innovation ecosystems. In this way, the hospital data centers will be able to multiply the analysis of massive health data and the development of 5P medicine. Alcimed provided the strategic framework for the university hospitals (governance, partners, mobilized data and related technical solutions, resource persons, etc.). We then oversaw the compilation of the dossier: recommendations with regard to the eligibility criteria, critical proofreading, project mode monitoring of the drafting schedule and coordination of the tasks and the consortium with a view to submitting very high-level specifications. Over the last few years, Alcimed has helped three university hospitals to win the call for health data warehouses projects.

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        You have a project and want to discuss it with our explorers, write us!

        One of our explorers will contact you shortly.

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