Loss of autonomy

Loss of autonomy Agency Consulting firm Experts Specialists Consultancy

Develop new solutions and reinvent care paths for people in need of care

Our specialized team supports players in the medico-social sector on the theme of loss of autonomy, particularly focusing on challenges related to the need of care of older people.

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    The challenges related to the loss of autonomy and the dependence of the elderly

    According to INSEE, in 2020, the proportion of French people over 65 years of age represented 20.5% of the overall population, i.e. 13.7 million people, and is expected to reach 20 million individuals in 2030 and 24 million in 2060 (source: INSEE, 02/27/2020). It goes without saying that this demographic evolution is transforming and will profoundly transform our society, our health care system and our public policies.

    Many challenges are imposed on actors in the medico-social field, including:

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      How we support you in your projects related to the loss of autonomy and the dependence of the elderly

      In 2010, Alcimed set up a team dedicated to public policies intervening at the national level (for Ministries, BPI, national agencies, etc.) and at the regional and local level, by regularly supporting actors of various ecosystems (local authorities, regional agencies, CCI, etc.) in experimentations, collaborative projects and the structuring of sectors.

      Within this dedicated team, we have developed a real expertise in public health, medico-social and social policies. We work for national authorities (Ministry of Health, CNSA, CNAM, CNAV, ANAP, etc.), local actors (ARS, CD, MDPH, healthcare establishments, managing organizations of social and medico-social establishments, federations, etc.), professional representations (learned societies, representations of directors of establishments, etc.) and associations of patients and families.

      We have a global vision that is essential to the identification and generalization of good practices regarding high-stake challenges, and in particular the support for change, the structuring of territorial responses and the coordination between actors in a logic of functioning in a pathway-based modality.

      More specifically, we devotedly support professionals and institutions in three areas:

      • Development and evaluation of public policies
      • Implementation of innovative territorial projects and experiments
      • Optimization of professional practices and support for change

      Through the missions we have carried out for our clients and our expertise in public health policy, our Innovation and Public Policy teams are there to support you in your future projects!

      Examples of recent projects carried out for our clients in loss of autonomy

      • Setting up of the Departmental Public Service for Autonomy (SPDA) in France

        Alcimed is supporting the Caisse Nationale des Solidarités et de l’Autonomie (CNSA) in France in rolling out the prefiguration of the SPDA. The aim of this public service is to ensure consistency and coordination between the various players in the field, in order to guarantee the continuity of care for people losing their independence, whether they are elderly or disabled.

        Our support covers a number of key areas for the CNSA, from feeding into the national specifications for the SPDA that are currently being drawn up, to operational support for the departmental referrers, including leading the national community of practices and capitalising on the approaches and good practices of the pre-configuration territories.

      • Setting up and leading the creation of VIVA Lab, a partnership and territorial support system for innovative projects for Healthy Aging (CNAV)

        Faced with the healthy aging challenge, the CNAV wanted to launch a mission to evaluate technical aids for retirees and to implement a virtual competitiveness division in this area. In response to this ambition, Alcimed supported the CNAV in the evaluation of projects financially supported by the structure, the co-construction and the launch of the VIVA Lab partnership device, aimed at supporting projects in the field of Healthy Aging.

        The process was structured around three main stages: (1) Project evaluation; (2) Setting up the VIVA Lab facility; (3) Support for the operational follow-up of VIVA Lab, allowing the processes defined to be adapted if necessary, and to ensure the secretariat of the Division.

        For several years now, Alcimed has continued to support the CNAV teams in the implementation of the Viva Lab facility, to support innovation in the field of prevention of loss of autonomy in favor of active and healthy aging.

      • Evaluation of the first two stages of the ICOPE program and definition of the best deployment and communication strategy (ARS Occitanie)

        In 2021, Alcimed supported the ARS Occitanie in the evaluation of the first two stages of the ICOPE program to screen for frailty among the elderly in the territories of the Occitanie region.

        The ICOPE program is a public health program supported by the WHO, whose objective is to enable as many people as possible to age in good health, through an integrated approach. In order to allow its deployment in Occitanie, Alcimed also structured a dedicated kit, facilitating the involvement of healthcare professionals.

      • Support for the process of unifying the various existing systems into Coordination Support Systems (DAC) in order to reorganize the service offer in the territories and to promote a decompartmentalized and integrated work approach for several ARS

        Our team has extensive experience in working on the convergence of coordination support systems (networks, CLIC, CTA PAERPA, PTA, MAIA) with the various stakeholders (ARS and operators, URPS), in a genuine climate of constructive trust: support from 6 ARS (ARS Ile-de-France, ARS La Réunion, ARS Bourgogne-Franche Comté, ARS Grand Est, ARS Centre-Val-de-Loire and ARS Occitanie), 8 MAIA, 5 PTA, a number of networks, etc.

        Our expertise on the topic of support coordination and the convergence of systems covers both the support of ARS and professionals within organizations on all the aspects concerned (financial, legal, HR, organizational, etc.).

      • Diagnosis of professional practices in institutions for the elderly at three key stages of the pathway (reception, support and discharge) and deployment of training (OPCO Santé)

        In order to support EHPAD professionals in changing their postures and practices, Alcimed has been accompanying the OPCO Santé since 2019 in the deployment of an action training course “Facility in favor of the evolution of professional practices for a successful pathway logic”, integrating a diagnosis of professional practices observed in the establishment and a personalized training plan.

      • Coaching of healthcare professionals involved in coordinated practice in the implementation of actions to prevent loss of autonomy

        For a number of years, Alcimed has been supporting the Assurance Maladie in setting up coordinated practice projects (cooperation between healthcare professionals, mainly self-employed, within joint organisations or structures) throughout France. In particular, the Assurance Maladie hopes that these professionals working together will develop preventive services. In view of the aging of the population, these preventive missions largely concern the care of the elderly.

        With the help of methodological workshops focusing on these issues, we have helped liberal professionals to reflect on these issues and to identify the key actions to be taken to ensure this prevention.

        Thanks to our work, the professionals were able to emerge from these workshops with methodological tools relevant to their project, as well as a clear action plan for the operational tasks to be carried out (training professionals, raising awareness among carers, deploying prevention tools, etc.) to work on this issue.

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        One of our explorers will contact you shortly.

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