Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 Agency Consulting firm Experts Specialists Consultancy

Alcimed supports its industrial clients in the digital transformation of their factories, as they work to develop new associated technologies and understand the issues related to industry 4.0, also called the industry of the future.

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    The challenges related to Industry 4.0 and the industry of the future

    Industry 4.0 is experiencing strong growth across the world. There has been a general acceleration in the development and deployment of factories 4.0, for example, in France with the support of the France Relance plan.

    If the digital transformation of industry is developing, many challenges exist for manufacturers. Among the challenges facing the industry of the future, we find:

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      How we support you in your projects related to Industry 4.0 and the industry of the future

      Alcimed supports its clients in the Industry 4.0 era by understanding smart manufacturing, its challenges, and its ecosystem of players. We have supported key industry players on several strategic and innovative projects alongside decision-makers (executive committees, strategy directors, marketing directors, innovation directors, etc.) and operational project managers.

      The topics we deal with incorporate the different challenges of the industry of the future. Thus, we support our clients in the development of new technologies related to the digital transformation of industry, the state of the art of digital technologies used in the context of Industry 4.0, the analysis of the needs of this new mode of industrialization, and more. Further downstream, we co-construct their own use cases and support their integration by facilitating the sharing of feedback with other industries.

      Examples of recent projects carried out for our clients in Industry 4.0

      • Definition of the future smart factory of an aeronautical manufacturer

        Alcimed supported one of its leading clients in aircraft production on the design of its future factory 4.0. The objective of our client was to gain competitiveness and to be one step ahead of its competitors in terms of expertise in assembly and testing.

        To do this, Alcimed began by making an inventory of the client’s expertise. Then, our teams carried out a benchmark of the existing best practices in the assembly industry, analyzed their impact on our client’s KPIs, and analyzed their transferability for our client’s activities.

        Finally, using all this information, our team held several workshops with our client to define their ideal smart factory and be able to challenge its solution providers.

      • Digital transformation of the industrial sites of a pharmaceutical player

        Alcimed supported a major player in the pharmaceutical industry in defining its digital strategy at four of its industrial sites.

        We started by performing a benchmark analysis of manufacturers comparable to our client who had digitized their factories. In parallel, our teams mapped which digital solutions are used or can be used in industry. The diagnosis of the four factories in question then made it possible to prioritize the challenges to be addressed and guided a thorough investigation of potential solutions.

        The result for our client was a clear digitalization strategy that prioritized the first proofs of concept and their associated roadmaps for deployment.

      • Strategy for the deployment of connected tools in the factories of an agri-food player

        One of our clients, a leader in the food industry, wanted to be supported in the implementation of a strategy for the deployment of connected objects, and more specifically connected tools in its factories, with a view to improving the efficiency of its industrial processes.

        To do this, Alcimed first carried out several benchmarks relating to connected tools in Industry 4.0 in order to identify the most attractive technologies for our client. Then, our team created a personalized toolbox for our client.

        This toolbox laid out an approach for the deployment of new technological solutions within factories, a proposal for the organization of stakeholders, tools for monitoring deployment, and visual management.

      • Definition of a 5-year Industry 4.0 roadmap for an aeronautical supplier

        Our client, a major aeronautical equipment manufacturer, had launched initiatives in digitalization and industrial automation as part of a global reflection on the industry of the future.

        To go further, this industrial player wanted to establish a global plan to build its Industry 4.0 in five years. Alcimed identified and structured the work areas to address industrial challenges.

        Then, our team developed the content of these work areas with our client’s teams to finally formalize a roadmap of the projects to be implemented and identify the key success factors for their implementation.

      • Launch of a new Industry 4.0 maintenance service for an energy company

        The introduction of IoT and AI is transforming factories, where machines and systems communicate in real time to improve operational efficiency and resource management. New uses are emerging, particularly in the field of predictive maintenance. In this context, we helped an energy company developing a new maintenance service offer to refine the definition of its offer, its value proposition and its Go-to-Market strategy.

        To do this, we implemented a “voice of customers” approach to identify customers’ current situation, their irritants, their needs, their level of interest and their ability to pay for the new service offering. By analysing this feedback, we were able to gain a better understanding of the level of customer interest, changes in their usage and their perception of the value of the offering.

        Our project enabled our customer to adapt its initial offering so that it could better meet the needs of its market.

      • Identification of the benefits of Industry 4.0 in the traditional textile industry

        Our client, a player in the textile industry, wanted to better understand how to combine its industrial production methods with Industry 4.0 approaches.

        To begin with, we worked with the in-house teams to define the use cases to be considered in the study. Then, we identified various case studies and selected the most inspiring for our customer. By interviewing both technology suppliers and associated manufacturers, we documented our case studies and then worked with our customer on possible adaptations and changes to its current practices.

        Our study was used to make management aware of the contributions of Industry 4.0 to their activities, so that they could start thinking about changes to their production methods.

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