Industrial robotics

Industrial robotics Agency Consulting firm Experts Specialists Consultancy

Optimize your production processes by integrating new robotic innovations

Our specialized team explores robotics applications across various industries and supports manufacturers in their innovation projects related to industrial robotics, production automation, and understanding robotic technologies.

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    The challenges related to industrial robotics

    The technological breakthrough driven by robotics has been ongoing for several years now. In a changing world driven by the rise of Industry 4.0, robotics brings new capabilities and constitutes a growth lever for industrial companies. It impacts on production modes, on economic models as well as on social interactions.

    As such, there are many issues and challenges facing robotics across all sectors, including:

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      How we support you in your projects related to industrial robotics

      Alcimed supports its clients in their innovation and new business development projects in the field of robotics. This transverse theme impacts our clients in all sectors: life sciences (healthcare, biotech, agrifood), energy, environment, mobility, chemicals, materials, cosmetics, aeronautics, space and defense. We also work on these areas with public institutions to support and develop the automation of industries in our territories.

      Our teams deal with a wide range of topics, as broad and diverse as the field of application of industrial robotics. For instance, we support our clients in the state of the art of robotics technologies adapted to their issues, the benchmark of best practices with players in other sectors who have implemented these technologies, the launch and animation of internal robotics innovation projects, the definition of their positioning on the robotics market, the definition of new solutions, the identification of promising application segments, the development of business cases and value propositions, or their go-to-market and market access strategies.

      Examples of recent projects carried out for our clients in industrial robotics

      • Business case for a “smart production” activity in the aeronautics industry

        We worked for a leader in the aeronautics industry who wanted to assess possible business models and to develop a business case for the deployment of CoBOTs (Collaborative Robots) in its manufacturing sites.

        To achieve this, our team carried out a benchmark of other manufacturers using such robots in their activities, followed by discussions with experts in the field. The aim was to enable our client to understand all the possible uses of these robots, to assess the savings induced by their implementation and to develop a roadmap for the deployment of these machines within its sites.

        Our team then co-built with our client a complete business case enabling them to support the project with their management committee.

      • Go to market plan: launch of a digital surgery platform

        Our team supported a leader in medical devices to prepare the European launch of its innovative platform in digital surgery.

        Our client wanted to understand how to launch its platform in each of the countries concerned by the launch (players to target, launch sequence, terms of purchase and integration, etc.).

        By mapping the key players involved in the purchase and integration of such robotic solutions (within and around the hospital), and by analyzing their levels of influence, Alcimed enabled its client to develop its go-to-market strategy and to train the sales and marketing teams of each European country.

      • Learning expedition to rethink automation and develop robotics in the laboratories of a healthcare player

        We supported a leading healthcare player on a robotics and automation project with the aim of answering a key question: how to achieve an automated end-to-end analytics workflow in all their laboratories? To do this, we organized a learning expedition to explore how the laboratories and production facilities of other manufacturers were organized in terms of robotics and automation in this field, and to draw inspiration from their practices.

        In collaboration with our client, we therefore visited and interacted with its counterparts in several other industries including aeronautics, agribusiness and automotive.

        This exercise helped generate inspiring ideas which were then transposed into our client’s environment to transform their own workflow at an analytical level.

      • Launch of an open innovation challenge in the field of robotics

        We created and launched an external open innovation challenge for an energy player wishing to boost a new innovation model in the field of robotics.

        Our teams supported our client on the definition of the synopsis, the writing of the rules and the technical specifications, as well as the identification of funding methods, right up to the launch of the challenge.

        Around thirty teams across the world responded to the challenge, but only one won it!

      • Mapping of robotics applications in R&D laboratories

        Our client, a player in the chemical industry, wanted to gain a better understanding of the opportunities offered by robotics for formulation and evaluation operations.

        To help them, we began by segmenting the key unit operations in a laboratory to identify the offerings on the market capable of carrying them out. We also defined specific case studies to be tested with solution providers and analysed the relevant case studies to get an initial idea of the potential benefits for our client’s activities. We then interviewed robot manufacturers and robotics solution integrators to assess with them the technical feasibility and timings associated with the specific case studies defined with our customer.

        In the end, we drew up a roadmap to identify the solutions and players to be mobilised. This roadmap fed into the action plan defined by our customer.

      • Identification of innovation and new business opportunities by deciphering industrial robotics applications

        Our team supported a manufacturing company willing to diversify their revenues and profit sources by the identification of new businesses in industrial robotic applications, compatible with their capabilities.

        To do so, we explored two selected potential markets. We prioritized the most attractive segments regarding robotics and identified the main figures, the major players, the existing and emerging solutions, the pain points and needs, and the technical prerequisites for each segment.

        Based on the collected insights and our client’s vision, we provided our client with profiles and names of potential partners, areas of application to be favored, and designed two scenarios with medium-term and long-term visions.

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