
Improve the overall care of patients in the comfort of their own homes
Our specialized team supports healthcare players in their homecare innovation and development projects, from understanding the different segments of the homecare market to bringing new products or services to market.
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The challenges related to homecare
Home care is mainly oriented towards the necessary therapy rather than the disease itself. Thus, in homecare, no particular limitation is observed in terms of areas, ranging from oncology (palliative care, chemotherapy, post-chemotherapy monitoring, etc.) to post-surgical rehabilitation, including all chronic diseases such as, for example, diabetes.
Beyond the purely therapeutic aspect, the issue with home care also lies in information, prevention, support and overall optimization of the care of people with loss of autonomy or the elderly.
The development of this homecare market raises many issues for industrial players and start-ups as well as for public institutions. These challenges include:
The development of Homecare is an essential lever for public policy actors in the management of healthcare expenditure. Indeed, the aging of populations in Western countries implies increased needs for support and an adaptation of traditional models of care for elderly patients.
What are the most suitable and economically sustainable new models in home care? Which diseases and which categories of patients should be targeted as a priority?
The access pathways to set up a new care scheme and obtain its validation differ from one country to another, as do the regulations and the actors involved. Different acceleration and market access strategies exist for these new care modalities, and are often specific to each country. Also, information, access frameworks and the preferences of public evaluators are rapidly evolving and offer new opportunities or challenges in homecare.
What is the regulatory framework and what path should be taken in a given network to obtain and accelerate the marketing of a specific care pathway?
The rise of home care is accompanied by the emergence of challenges for all industrial players. This implies for manufacturers the development of adequate offers and services in order to meet the challenges of patient centricity, adherence to treatment or even remote monitoring of patients.
What is my competitive landscape in home care? What are the unmet needs and potential level of patient adoption? What is the economic potential of my developing solution? Who are my potential partners for the development of a new solution?
How we support you in your projects related to homecare
For more than 25 years, Alcimed has supported its clients on many issues related to care pathways and to the quality of life of patients and dependent persons, especially towards homecare. We conduct our investigations on behalf of various players such as:
- Public institutions such as regional health agencies (ARS);
- Pharmaceutical manufacturers or medical technology players, as well as start-ups;
- Patient associations.
The diversity of our clients, the geographic fields we explore, and the types of projects we carry out, give us a global and in-depth understanding of the issues addressed in the field of home care.
Our homecare projects cover areas as diverse as new technologies and therapeutic approaches for the ill or dependent/elderly, definition or understanding of a patient pathway and mapping of key players, assessment of market opportunities, market access, pricing and reimbursement, regulatory developments and operational support (patient identification, care pathway optimization and many more).
Examples of recent projects carried out for our clients in homecare
Study of the opportunity of a companion medical device at home
We helped the Cardiology branch of one of our pharmaceutical industrial clients to understand if a start-up developing a home medical device, which measures a cardiological parameter of interest, could be an appropriate partner for a strategic investment; and if the medical device of this start-up could be profitable as a standalone product within a 3-5 year timeframe.
To do this, our team first carried out an analysis of the start-up’s commercial prospects via a benchmark of similar companies’ activities, an in-depth study of the competition, and an estimate of the market potential in several geographies. We then carried out a strategic audit of the assets of the start-up.
Ultimately, our analysis of these information enabled us to recommend the inclusion of the device in question in our client’s portfolio rather than marketing it as a stand-alone product.
Evaluation of the opportunity to develop an enteral nutrition offer on the homecare market in Germany
We supported a medical device player and a medical nutrition player in assessing the opportunity to develop a joint enteral nutrition offer on the German home care market.
The objectives of our mission were to understand the drivers of the enteral nutrition market and to identify the main challenges faced by home care providers in Germany, as well as their enteral nutrition needs and expectations.
Alcimed thus analyzed the home enteral nutrition market in Germany through an in-depth literature review and interviews with different profiles, including home care providers, dietitians, hospital discharge teams, neonatologists and pharmacists.
Study of the homecare market in Switzerland
We accompanied one of our clients in understanding the homecare market in Switzerland with the objective of validating the development of a new medical solution.
To do so, our team deciphered the landscape of home care in Switzerland by identifying and analyzing the key players and in particular: their offers, their training programs, their IT skills, as well as their organization. We then cross-analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of each player before recommending to our client a pilot concept to be deployed in the Swiss market.
Definition of new offers for homecare providers in France
We supported our client in defining new product and service offerings that create value for home care providers in France.
Alcimed first analyzed the needs and expectations of home healthcare providers in terms of products and services in order to define a series of potential concepts to be developed. We then selected a list of the 20 most relevant concepts for our client before analyzing their relevance in more detail via an in-depth field investigation. Ultimately, we recommended to our client the 3 most value-creating offers for home care providers and the most adapted to his context.
Analysis of the development of at home treatments in oncology for a pharma player
Alcimed worked with a large pharmaceutical player to understand the possibilities of primary cancer treatment at home in terms of adequate molecule, administration and country-specific requirements.
Across France, Germany and the USA, we mapped existing molecules administered at home as well as those in development. We then evaluated the organization of at-home SC/IV treatments and the drivers and barriers fostering or limiting the development of at-home treatments in each country in scope. Finally we challenged these findings with interviews with top KOLs.
The mapping exercise and following analysis gave the client a clear vision of the development of home-administrable molecules in oncology at a global level, and of the current and potential future practices in France, Germany and the USA. This vision will help him to structure their R&D strategies and engagement with relevant stakeholders.
Identification for a pharma player of homecare solutions applicable to a rare pulmonary disease patient pathways
Alcimed supported a top pharmaceutical client in identifying changes and innovations made in the patient pathway for a rare pulmonary disease during COVID-19.
Across five countries, we investigated solutions implemented as a reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic including remote homecare offers as well as administrative processes. Via interviews with pulmonologists, we identified changes in the patient pathway for the disease as well as evaluated the reactions of HCPs. We identified both large and small changes in the patient pathway and captured the current environment in which hospitals operate to provide care to patients with rare pulmonary disease.
In the end, our work enabled to capture the perception of relevant stakeholders on the advantages and disadvantages of remote disease monitoring and telehealth offers.
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To go further
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Founded in 1993, Alcimed is an innovation and new business consulting firm, specializing in innovation driven sectors: life sciences (healthcare, biotech, agrifood), energy, environment, mobility, chemicals, materials, cosmetics, aeronautics, space and defence.
Our purpose? Helping both private and public decision-makers explore and develop their uncharted territories: new technologies, new offers, new geographies, possible futures, and new ways to innovate.
Located across eight offices around the world (France, Europe, Singapore and the United States), our team is made up of 220 highly-qualified, multicultural and passionate explorers, with a blended science/technology and business culture.
Our dream? To build a team of 1,000 explorers, to design tomorrow’s world hand in hand with our clients.
Homecare or “home care” and home services, cover all the care or services performed with the aim of providing care adapted to the state of health of patients in the comfort of their environment of life, if they wish so and if their situation allows it.
This traditionally covers all care or services provided by health personnel or private providers of medical assistance: nurses, caregivers, physiotherapists, chiropodists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, medical assistants at home, etc.
The mobilization of these multidisciplinary teams has the advantage of shortening, if not avoiding, hospitalizations or stays in nursing homes by encouraging patients to stay at home as harmoniously as possible.
The global homecare market was valued at USD $330.99 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 10.1%. At this growth rate, the global homecare market is forecasted to be valued at USD $786.85 billion in 2032.