Green hydrogen

Green hydrogen Agency Consulting firm Experts Specialists Consultancy

Alcimed has been exploring the hydrogen market – including green hydrogen – for many years and supports its clients in their innovation projects within the hydrogen sector, as well as with business, production, storage, and valorization issues.

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    The challenges related to hydrogen and green hydrogen

    The use of hydrogen in industry and in the field of transport is currently booming. In fact, most major countries have set up support programs to help develop the hydrogen sector. Indeed, its high energy efficiency and its storage capacities position hydrogen as a substitute for fossil fuels and therefore as an important axis of the energy transition.

    SWhile the hydrogen sector is developing, there are many implications for industrial players operating in this expanding market. They include:

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      How we support you in your projects related to hydrogen and green hydrogen

      For over 25 years, Alcimed has been supporting its clients in their innovation and new business development projects linked to hydrogen and green hydrogen. Indeed, we have carried out numerous projects for various players such as manufacturers (for example, Air Liquide, ArianeGroup, SNCF, etc.), national and European institutions and research centers (for example, CEA, ADEME, etc.), as well as professional associations.

      The diversity of our clients, of the geographic fields we explore, and of the types of projects we develop, give us a global and comprehensive insight into issues related to the hydrogen sector.

      Our projects cover areas as diverse as the energy transition, new hydrogen technologies, new business models related to hydrogen, assessment of market opportunities, launch of innovations, partner identification, and regulatory developments.

      Examples of recent projects carried out for our clients in hydrogen

      • Prospective analysis of the distribution of hydrogen in airports in 2030 for a leading energy player

        Our team has supported a major player in hydrogen distribution in identifying target airports for hydrogen supply in 2030 and in evaluating the associated access routes.

        For this project, we analyzed the expectations and the needs of key players in the sector: governments, gas suppliers, the airports themselves and airlines.

        After prioritizing the target airports according to their capacity to effect this change in the years to come, we identified the parameters that our client will have to take into account to support the airports in this change of practice, the various development scenarios, and the possible acceleration levers.

      • Evaluation of the value of hydrogen supply in charging bases at train stations

        For one of our clients in the mobility sector, the Alcimed team assessed the value of one “kg of hydrogen” supplied in the immediate vicinity of a train station for bicycle mobility.

        To assess this value and to characterize the relevance of a project enabling hydrogen supply in train stations, our team carried out a thorough bibliographic search and conducted interviews with key players in the field of energy, mobility, the train station environment, and the hydrogen sector. Our study allowed our client to validate their business model and their business plan.

      • Identification of opportunities to enhance its competencess and accelerate the use of hydrogen for a player in the Space sector

        As part of the European Green New Deal, our team supported a client who was seeking to promote its competences on the new ways of using hydrogen, to integrate this booming industry, and to find growth drivers in the development of its supply chain. Our mission consisted in challenging and strengthening our client’s hydrogen strategy, which sought to benefit the different branches of the group and enable the implementation of new collaborations with the hydrogen industry.

        In order to do so, our team assessed the markets accessible to our client in terms of liquid hydrogen and their maturity to constitute a source of short-term growth. Then, we identified economic models and possible areas of differentiation for our client. We continued our investigation with an analysis of the possible applications for liquid hydrogen in the mobility and infrastructure sector, as well as a market study on two application segments: maritime propulsion and infrastructure (ports, airports, and liquefiers). Ultimately, our mission enabled our client to finalize its strategy and present the avenues of opportunity for the group in the hydrogen market to the steering committee.

      • Evaluation of the opportunities for positioning hydrogen as a fuel in the industry to prepare for the launch of a new offer

        The objective of this project for our client was to assess and prioritize the receptivity of several industries to the use of hydrogen as an energy source in their industrial processes.

        In order to do so, our team first analyzed existing patents, market trends, existing technologies, and the practices of key players in the target sectors in terms of hydrogen use. Our team then assessed the interest of target manufacturers for the use of hydrogen as a replacement for natural gas, and the levers for implementing such a change. Our study thus provided our client with a global vision of the industries to be targeted as a priority for their hydrogen supply offer, as well as an understanding of the key success factors for the implementation of this offer.

      • Diversification of the supply strategy of a green hydrogen producer

        Alcimed supported an industrial player involved in the production of green hydrogen in its strategy to diversify its supplies.

        In the first stage, we mapped the key areas of expertise to be considered in order to identify potential new partners, by analysing industrial fields outside our client’s ecosystem with a view to establishing technology transfers. Secondly, our team identified and evaluated the industrial players capable of meeting our customer’s specifications.

        By broadening the field of possibilities, this approach enabled our customer to identify new partner profiles capable of supporting them in their future developments.

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        One of our explorers will contact you shortly.

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