
Decarbonization Agency Consulting firm Experts Specialists Consultancy

Combine energy performance and industrial performance

For more than 30 years, Alcimed has been supporting its clients in the deployment of their energy performance strategies aimed at reaching their carbon neutrality objectives.

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    The challenges related to decarbonization

    While the objectives of decarbonization seem to be accepted by all to achieve the climate transition, many challenges lie ahead for industrial players, but also for public players, to turn energy efficiency into a reality.

    First, the transformation of our industries requires the emergence of disruptive innovations to meet the objectives of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving carbon neutrality.

    Moreover, the objectives of carbon neutrality must lead to the emergence of a new type of industrial model while maintaining the level of competitiveness prior to the transition.

    Finally, global industrial decarbonization must be accompanied by social dialogue, to find ways of promoting the efforts made by manufacturers.

    Let’s find out more about the major stakes of decarbonization:

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      How we support you in your projects related to decarbonization

      For more than 30 years, Alcimed has been accompanying all the actors of the value chain in their innovation challenges to answer global technological, economic, societal and environmental stakes. Decarbonization is a key climate topic for our clients, becoming more and more important in their innovation strategies.

      Our projects cover topics as diverse as the development of energy performance strategies and decarbonization roadmaps, competitor analysis and benchmark reports, state of the art and landscapes of existing and developing technological solutions, valorization strategies, the implementation of new business models, sector studies, and many others!

      The diversity of our clients, the geographical areas we explore, and the types of projects we carry out, give us a global and in-depth understanding of the problems and stakes related to decarbonization strategies.

      Examples of recent projects carried out for our clients in decarbonization

      • Supporting an economic development agency in its regional decarbonization plan

        We accompanied a French regional economic development agency in a strategic study on the development of its photovoltaic sector, in order to contribute to achieving energy neutrality by 2050.

        Our teams analyzed development opportunities regarding the regional value chain and local and external stakes, and then defined a roadmap for the development of photovoltaic technology in priority innovation areas and application markets.

      • Supporting a player in the defense sector in its strategic reflections on decarbonization

        Our client wanted an overview of future low-carbon and decarbonized renewable energies that would meet military operational requirements, in order to better orient its future studies.

        To do this, we conducted a 3-step investigation: first, we defined the army’s playgrounds and segmented the related uses, then our team identified and segmented the relevant low-carbon and decarbonized energy types, before characterizing and selecting the most relevant technologies for our client.

        Finally, 40 energy bricks were analyzed to create an overview report of the army’s future renewable energies, thanks to which our client was able to build its strategy.

      • Supporting an industrial client in building an industrial electrification offer

        For a company in the energy sector, we conducted a market study to establish the positioning of its industrial electrification offer.

        For this project, our team studied the different decarbonization strategies, the types of technology available and the specificities that exist in our client’s target sectors (O&G, metal, F&B, glass and cement). We then exchanged with decision-makers in these market segments, to gather their receptivity to our client’s decarbonization offer, with regard to their own commitments and industrial constraints.

        As a result, our client was able to develop a better understanding of its sector’s current electricity needs and was also able to refine its offering to make it the most relevant in its market in view of climate change.

      • Supporting an industrial player in identifying a set of solutions for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions related to enteric fermentation of cattle

        To help our client achieve its carbon neutrality goals, we conducted a review of innovations to reduce enteric fermentation in dairy cows. We explored 3 main types of sources: scientific publications, disruptive commercial solutions, and interviews with technical institutes and additive suppliers.

        During a workshop with our client, we elaborated its 15-year roadmap, integrating the set of process solutions to be implemented as well as the action steps to be carried out for each solution (partners, red flags to work on, solution ambassadors, …).

        In addition to a roadmap, key implementation partners have been identified to anticipate the first steps of operational implementation.

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        Tell us about your uncharted territory

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        One of our explorers will contact you shortly.

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