Management consulting

management consulting firm consultancy

For more than 30 years, we have been supporting top executives in their management projects, using our team’s sectoral and functional expertise.

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    They trust us


    How we support our clients in their management projects

    Founded in 1993, Alcimed is a consulting firm specialized in innovation and new business. Spread over our 8 offices in the world (in France, Europe, Singapore and the USA), our team of 220 high-level explorers supports everyday corporate management and operational decision-makers (heads of marketing, R&D, innovation, strategy, CSR, industrial operations, etc.) in their innovation and new business projects.

    We support our clients with management consultancy services covering a wide range of projects, such as defining strategic positioning, assisting with the launch of new activities, developing diversification strategies, implementing new sales and marketing approaches, overhauling roles and processes, introducing CSR initiatives, and much more!

    The diversity of our clients (manufacturers, ETIs, innovative start-ups, institutions, etc.), the subjects we deal with, and the geographical areas we explore, enable us to master a wide range of missions and develop recognized expertise in our specialized sectors.

    Our missions

    Our expertise

    What they say

    • TCV_Innovio_miniature_site_EN_min

      Mark TWYMAN

      Senior VP and Chief Commercial Officer

    • TCV_biomerieux_miniature_site_EN_min

      Philippe Caillat

      Marketing Director

    • TCV_biomerieux_miniature_site_EN_min

      Antoine Delmotte

      Immunology Complement & Speciality Care Business Unit Director

    Examples of management projects carried out for our clients

    • Co-definition of the shared ambition of the members of the management committee of a vaccine company and creation of an associated roadmap

      We supported the members of the management committee of a leading player in the vaccine industry in the co-construction of the ambition and the definition of the company’s five-year strategic roadmap. First, our team conducted an initial preparation phase for the workshop (analysis of the company’s current situation, understanding of the key challenges within 5 years, possible ways of evolution for the company and each function, etc.).

      We then organized a two-day workshop mixing plenary sessions (co-definition of the ambition, intervention of external speakers,…), co-construction sessions in sub-groups (declination of the ambition into action plans by strategic pillar,…) and moments of fun, exchange or team-building during breaks, lunches and evenings.

      This exercise enabled our client to reach its objective of co-construction, by aligning its management committee towards an evolution desired and shared by all, while reinforcing cohesion within the whole team.

    • Analysis and projection of the changing role of the medical sales representative in the pharmaceutical industry

      We supported a leading pharmaceutical company in a prospective analysis of the role of the medical sales representative of the future. Our client, the company’s sales director, was faced with a context of changing customer engagement practices and wanted to draw up a vision of what the pharmaceutical sales representative’s job of the future might be.

      We helped him to define a vision for 2030 and to build a roadmap with the different projects to be implemented to make his teams evolve towards this new role. We first led several working sessions with all the stakeholders involved in the different projects to identify the objectives, key steps, levers, resources, means, timing, indicators, expected deliverables and the functions involved for each project.

      Then, we formalized this roadmap to facilitate its diffusion internally and to communicate on the next steps.

    • Implementation of a diversification strategy for the business of an aerospace company

      Alcimed helped an aerospace company to define how to better diversify their business.

      To do so, our team mapped all possible business opportunities and underlying services offered by other players in the field. Then we identified the most promising ones for the client based on market attractiveness, competition and alignment with the client’s business. Finally, we built an action plan to implement the identified services.

      The client received a broad overview of all services offered by other companies and a detailed characterization of the most relevant ones. Moreover, they received a roadmap with the next steps required to develop the most promising identified services.

    • Definition of a new innovation strategy and design of an innovation factory dedicated to digital services

      We worked with a major player in the aeronautics industry who wanted to develop new digital services, and who could not afford the very long traditional development times in aeronautics for this kind of innovation race!

      Everything had to be created from scratch: the process – from idea generation to prototype development -, the places, the people involved and the way they had to interact with each other, etc.

      A real innovation factory was born! We tested the new approach by accompanying the first 3 ideas, and we also developed user guides, training materials and all relevant models, so that our client could now run it alone and efficiently.

    • Redesign of a business development strategy following a change of distribution model for a medical device in Russia

      We assisted a leading player in the medical device industry in redesigning its commercial strategy for its entire product portfolio in Russia.

      Following an internal strategic change, our client needed to rethink its sales approach in Russia from a direct to an indirect approach via distributors. In order to establish its new strategy and define its growth plan, we explored the Russian hospital market: analysis of supply and demand, understanding of regulatory, purchasing and reimbursement mechanisms, and identification and characterization of potential distribution partners.

      The results of our study allowed our client to rethink and decide on its new business strategy and growth plan for the coming years.

    • Definition of a launch plan for the deployment of a new combined healthcare offering

      We supported a pharmaceutical company in the launch of a combined offer, which consisted in adding a communication platform between the patient and healthcare professionals to a medical device.

      By analyzing the receptiveness of the medical community to this new combined offer, Alcimed enabled its client to establish the most appropriate marketing strategy for the launch of its product.

      This was then concretized from an operational point of view by accompanying the sales teams in the construction of their communication supports (presentation materials, sales pitch,…) in order to facilitate the integration of the messages and their diffusion to the different communities of healthcare professionals.

    • Strategic due diligence for a start-up in the field of digital health

      We helped a leading pharmaceutical company to assess the potential of a start-up company that had developed a new offering based on a connected bracelet for fertility measurement.

      To do so, we performed a strategic due diligence of the targeted start-up, analyzing in particular the user experience and the medical interest perceived by gynecologists for their product.

      Our project validated our client’s interest in investing in the start-up and highlighted improvements in the marketing and commercialization of the device.

    • Definition of new revenue models of two extension markets for a biotech player

      Alcimed assisted an international biotechnology player in estimating potential revenue models corresponding to the identified extended markets for two diseases, to be better prepared for future discussions with potential investors.

      We conducted extensive research on both diseases to build the potential revenue models of the two extension markets. Scenario planning of peak sales for the extension markets were performed via interviews with key opinion leaders in both disease fields and analysis of best available data.

      On this basis, our team was able to assess our client’s financial opportunity and risk associated with both extension markets and provide insight on what strategic positioning to determine and the key factors needed to achieve success.

    You have a project?

      Tell us about your uncharted territory

      You have a project and want to discuss it with our explorers, write us!

      One of our explorers will contact you shortly.

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