ESG strategy consulting

ESG consulting firm consultancy

For more than 30 years, our team has been supporting industry leaders, SMEs and innovative start-ups, as well as institutional investors, in their innovation and development projects related to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.

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    How we support our clients in their projects related to ESG issues

    Founded in 1993, Alcimed is a consulting firm specialized in innovation and new business. Spread over our 8 offices in the world (in France, Europe, Singapore and the USA), our team of 220 high-level explorers supports everyday corporate management and operational decision-makers (heads of marketing, R&D, innovation, strategy, CSR, industrial operations, etc.) in their innovation and new business projects.

    We support our clients on ESG consulting assignments covering a wide range of projects such as defining ESG strategies, defining and integrating ESG criteria into processes, building materiality matrices, setting up regulatory watch on ESG criteria, and more generally on issues of recyclability, green industrialization, developing sustainable solutions… and many more!

    The diversity of our clients (manufacturers, ETIs, innovative start-ups, institutions, etc.), the subjects we deal with, and the geographical areas we explore, enable us to master a wide range of missions and develop recognized expertise in our specialized sectors.

    Our missions

    Our expertise

    What they say

    • TCV_biomerieux_miniature_site_EN_min

      Philippe Nappey

      System Architect & Innovation Project Leader

    Examples of projects carried out for our clients in the field of ESG

    • Definition of a CSR strategy and creation of a materiality matrix for an industrial player

      Our team supported a leading player in the electrical engineering sector define its long-term strategic CSR roadmap and build a materiality matrix. Following an initial scoping phase aiming at defining the group’s ambition, we carried out an inspirational benchmark of the CSR strategies of several industrial players and identified the key CSR-related stakes for the stakeholders in our client’s ecosystem (customers, suppliers, candidates, etc.).

      Our team then characterized the issues identified in relation to the actions already implemented by our client, with the objective to drawing up an action plan for each key criterion not covered. This characterization exercise enabled us to build a materiality matrix, visually prioritizing the relevant initiatives to be implemented by our client: a tool for reading strategic CSR issues and for CSR communication.

      Ultimately, and thanks to this preliminary investigation, we were able to work with our client’s management committee to co-build a medium-term CSR strategy and a short-term action plan.

    • Creation of a decarbonisation roadmap for the French space industry

      Alcimed worked with a public player to converge on a common roadmap for the decarbonisation of the entire French space industry.

      As part of this mission, we defined a clear vision of the French space industry, as well as identifying and prioritising the levers for achieving realistic scenarios for decarbonising the space sector by 2050. To do this, our team implemented a 3-stage methodology:

      1. Analyse the French space industry and identify its issues and challenges in a future low-carbon world;
      2. Define a clear vision of decarbonised space by 2050 and identify the main levers for decarbonisation;
      3. Articulate the decarbonisation levers in scenarios and draw up a roadmap.

      Thanks to our study, our client was able to define and share a clear and concrete roadmap, including the key levers and stages that will enable the space industry to decarbonise by 2050.

    • Support for a food manufacturer in assessing the environmental impact of its products

      Our client, a food manufacturer, wanted to systematically assess the sustainability of its products as part of its CSR commitments.

      To achieve this, our team developed an objective and quantifiable methodology for assessing the sustainability and environmental impact of our client’s product portfolio. This assessment was implemented in a dedicated, flexible and automated tool, enabling our client’s team to dynamically measure changes in the sustainability of existing products, as well as assessing the sustainability of new products.

      This methodology and tool have not only enabled our customer to meet its CSR commitment, but also to gain an insight into the sustainability of its new products, enabling it to identify the sensitive points of its products so that it can innovate. In addition, generating this data gave them material for internal and external communication.

    • Study of innovative carbon-neutral city initiatives for a car manufacturer

      In the context of the objectives of carbon neutrality by 2050, our team assisted a car manufacturer’s R&D team to analyse the strategies adopted by European cities to achieve carbon neutrality.

      This involved an in-depth study of the main trends observed in the hundred or so cities selected by the EU as part of the ‘Smart and Carbon Neutral Cities’ Mission. We explored the various initiatives, whether technological, methodological, partnership-based or regulatory, that have already been put in place or are in the pipeline on the theme of climate and digitalisation.

      As a result, our client was able to gain an overall understanding of the emerging trends around smart cities and the most innovative initiatives being implemented by European cities to achieve their carbon neutrality objectives, and thus adapt its research and development strategy on the continent.

    • Develoment of a CSR pitch to support the response to public calls for tender in healthcare

      Nous avons accompagné un acteur pharmaceutique qui cherchait à renforcer sa We supported a pharmaceutical player who was seeking to strengthen its application for public contracts by reinforcing its differentiation arguments based not only on its products and services but also on its CSR policy.

      To do this, we identified the expectations of the authorities in the respective countries in terms of CSR and deciphered the weight of CSR criteria when choosing awardees. By coupling this vision of demand with an analysis of the CSR policies of our client’s competitors, we developed a pitch and a toolbox for each of the countries within the scope of the call and proposed some avenues to improve our client’s CSR performance!

    • State of the art of low-tech bioprocesses for an industrial player

      Alcimed collaborated with a leading player specializing in the production, processing and distribution of materials for various industrial sectors. The company, as part of its research, was exploring alternative processes and specifically bioprocesses which in comparison to their current processes have relatively simple technological steps and equipment requirements.

      Through a literature review, we identified low-tech biological processes and technologies, involving biomolecules or living organisms, for the production and recycling of materials. Additionally, through interviews, we conducted a targeted analysis of the most promising low-tech bioprocesses based on their performance levels, available materials, environmental benefits, and key industry players.

      This exploration provided a comprehensive overview, allowing us to recommend the most promising low-tech bioprocesses and key players, identify priority materials and businesses to monitor, and highlight the main barriers to be addressed along with the critical R&D challenges.

    • Evaluation of the perception of external stakeholders on the subject of eco-designed medicines for a healthcare player

      A healthcare company wanted to analyse its ecosystem’s perception of eco-designed medicines in France, the United States and the Nordic countries.

      Firstly, we characterised the countries by assessing their sensitivity and maturity in terms of sustainability and the environment, in terms of their general policy and their objectives for the healthcare sector. Secondly, we interviewed seven types of stakeholder representative of the ecosystem in each country, to understand their expectations and receptiveness to the eco-design of medicines.

      In this way, we highlighted the key perspectives to be taken into account in terms of stakeholders’ needs, maturity, interests and constraints with regard to eco-design. This analysis helped our client to enrich its eco-design strategy and accelerate its implementation.

    • Evaluation of development opportunities for an offer of traceability services

      Beyond the problems of counterfeiting and quality in the agri-food and health sectors, today traceability is more and more associated with eco-design challenges and recycling in the construction sector. As a result, the different players in the value chain are investigating tools to respond to this problem. Amongst the anticipated tools, BIM seems to be a solid candidate as a support for data generated by a traceability system.

      We supported an industry leader in the identification of trends and analyzing the maturity of traceability in the construction sector in order to confirm the interest in proposing a dedicated service for their products. Our study allowed our client to:

      • Evaluate the potential opportunities all along the life cycle of its product, from its use in construction sites to the end of its life
      • Highlight the players interested in such a service and the associated benefits
      • To build case studies to explore in order to establish new business models

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