Digital transformation consulting

digital transformation consulting firm consultancy

For more than 30 years, our team has been supporting industrial leaders, innovative SMEs and start-ups, as well as institutions, in their digital transformation projects.

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    How we support our clients in their digital transformation projects

    Founded in 1993, Alcimed is a consulting firm specialized in innovation and new business. Spread over our 8 offices in the world (in France, Europe, Singapore and the USA), our team of 220 high-level explorers supports everyday corporate management and operational decision-makers (heads of marketing, R&D, innovation, strategy, CSR, industrial operations, etc.) in their innovation and new business projects.

    We support our clients on digital transformation consulting services covering a wide range of projects, such as implementing data-driven strategies and methods, defining a digital roadmap, implementing innovative technological solutions, automating business processes, adopting new collaborative working methods, digitizing the customer experience, optimizing industrial performance, and much more!

    The diversity of our clients (manufacturers, ETIs, innovative start-ups, institutions, etc.), the subjects we deal with, and the geographical areas we explore, enable us to master a wide range of missions and develop recognized expertise in our specialized sectors.

    Our missions

    Our expertise

    What they say

    • TCV_biomerieux_miniature_site_EN_min

      Philippe Caillat

      Marketing Director

    • TCV_Nestle_HS_miniature_site_EN_min

      Bernard Cuenoud

      Global Head of Research and Clinical Development

    • TCV_MSD_miniature_site_EN_min

      Patrick Palluel

      Digital Product Transformation Lead

    Examples of digital transformation projects carried out for our clients

    • Development of a “customer-centric” digital strategy for an industrial player

      Our client, a major industrial player, had the ambition to become “fully customer-centric”, placing the customer at the center of its concerns at all levels of the company.

      To feed this reflection and contribute to the company’s roadmap, we carried out an investigation project based on benchmarks of the digitalization of customer relationships (in its sector and outside of its sector) and interactions with its customers in Europe and in the United States.

      Our project made it possible to question our client’s initial ideas by integrating a more concrete dimension, and to transform a reflection into an operational action plan.

    • Evaluation of opportunities around blockchain for the monitoring and traceability of healthcare products

      Our client, a global leader in the healthcare industry, wanted to understand the opportunities of blockchain in order to improve the traceability and security of its supply chain.

      We therefore analyzed the intrinsic characteristics of different blockchain technologies (continuous traceability of products throughout the value chain, increased data security thanks to improved and decentralized encryption, real-time access to data analysis, etc.), then compared them to our client’s situation.

      This was to identify the impact of such technologies on our client’s practices: increased efficiency, better cost management, reduced lead times, generation of secure weak signals, protection against cyber-attacks, etc.

      Ultimately, as the results were promising, our team defined a roadmap for the effective integration of blockchain technology into our client’s supply chain.

    • Creation of an interactive monitoring platform on alcohol consumption for a top French wine association

      Alcimed worked with a top French wine association to build their alcohol consumption monitoring platform to track and analyze the major trends on global, European, and national scales regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages and societal indicators, with the objective to launch education and prevention initiatives.

      To do so, our team first consolidated the global, European, and national data available on approximately 60 different alcohol consumption and societal indicators. We then analyzed and compared the data sets to build an optimal, sustainable data architecture within Power BI, followed by the design and configuration of relevant visualizations related to responsible consumption, to ensure an easy and effective interpretation of the insights (e.g., global alcohol consumption and sales evolution, French consumption frequency, etc.). In addition, our team built queries to clarify knowledge of alcoholic beverage consumption such as consumption rate, alcohol-related mortality, alcohol dependency rate, and more.

      In the end, we developed for our client a one-stop monitoring platform, consolidating over 50 different data sources into a single interactive visualization tool, performing all operations end-to-end (data collection and consolidation, data transformation, data visualization in dashboards, and cross-query generation to identify correlations) to ultimately highlight the key takeaways, offering easy sharing of content, in any layout (presentation, print, and online access) facilitating the clients development of education and prevention initiatives aimed at the general public and professionals regarding health and prevention issues.

    • Mapping of robotics applications in R&D laboratories for a chemical company

      Our client, a player in the chemical industry, wanted to gain a better understanding of the opportunities offered by robotics for formulation and evaluation operations.

      To help them, we began by segmenting the key unit operations in a laboratory to identify the offerings on the market capable of carrying them out. We also defined specific case studies to be tested with solution providers and analysed the relevant case studies to get an initial idea of the potential benefits for our client’s activities. We then interviewed robot manufacturers and robotics solution integrators to assess with them the technical feasibility and timings associated with the specific case studies defined with our customer.

      In the end, we drew up a roadmap to identify the solutions and players to be mobilised. This roadmap fed into the action plan defined by our customer.

    • Definition of a digital transformation strategy for the industrial sites of a pharmaceutical company

      Alcimed supported a major player in the pharmaceutical industry in defining its digital strategy at four of its industrial sites.

      We started by performing a benchmark analysis of manufacturers comparable to our client who had digitized their factories. In parallel, our teams mapped which digital solutions are used or can be used in industry. The diagnosis of the four factories in question then made it possible to prioritize the challenges to be addressed and guided a thorough investigation of potential solutions.

      The result for our client was a clear digitalization strategy that prioritized the first proofs of concept and their associated roadmaps for deployment.

    • Definition of a digital as-a-service platform dedicated to optimizing airline operations for an aeronautical player

      Alcimed supported an aeronautical company in the definition of a new digital services offer whose goal is to provide pilots and airlines with tools but also scenarios and recommendations to help them optimize their operations.

      To do this, we carried out a receptivity study with key stakeholders and potential users in order to assess the value of the service for airlines, as well as their needs and expectations. An analysis of market trends combined with the characterization of needs made it possible to identify potential high added value offers for the most suitable airline profiles.

      The result for our client? The identification of the sources of value to target, a first segmentation of airline profiles with their associated needs and expectations, and finally the definition of the most suitable offer for each of these profiles.

    • Development of a predictive model for risk classification for a financial services provider

      Our client, a financial services provider, wanted to investigate the potential of AI models for the prediction of risk on their investment projects.

      Our work started by a mapping of the data available for predictions, followed by an extract, transform, and load (ETL) process for model building. Our team then assessed multiple models in an iterative process until a final model was selected based on its performance.

      Finally, our team adapted the model so it can be put in production and adapted to the client’s infrastructure who could then use it for a better decision making on new projects.

    • Benchmarking and analyzing the digital footprint of 10 pharmaceutical laboratories

      One of our clients, a major healthcare player, wanted to understand and compare the digital strategies of the top 10 industrial pharmaceutical companies in order to reevaluate part of their R&D activities. In this context, we analyzed more than 300 initiatives from pharmaceutical laboratories, focusing on the digitization of therapeutic trials.

      During this investigation, we identified potential levers for digitizing our client’s strategy and differentiating the pharmaceutical industry leaders based on the magnitude of their initiative and the cultural shift generated by this transformation.

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      You have a project and want to discuss it with our explorers, write us!

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