Luxury Consulting

Luxe agence cabinet conseil consulting

Our specialized team supports everyday players in the fashion, leather goods, jewellery, watchmaking and cosmetics industries in their innovation and new market development projects.

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    They trust us


    How we support players in the luxury sector

    Founded in 1993, Alcimed is a consulting firm specialized in innovation and new markets development in life sciences. Spread over our 8 offices in the world (in France, Europe, Singapore and the USA), our team of 220 high-level explorers supports everyday decision-makers and business departments (marketing, research, innovation, strategy, CSR, etc.) in their innovation and new market development projects.

    Our projects cover subjects as diverse as state-of-the-art, the identification of new materials, the study of the impact of technologies on luxury, the search for partners, the definition of supply strategies, the redesign of innovation processes, the identification of sustainable alternatives, and many more!

    And our activities are not limited to the types of assignments listed above. The diversity of our clients (manufacturers, ETIs, innovative start-ups, institutions, etc.), the subjects we deal with, and the geographical areas we explore, enable us to master a wide range of assignments and develop recognized expertise in our specialist sectors.

    Our missions

    Our expertise

    Examples of projects carried out for our clients in luxury industry

    • Analysis of biotechnology-related opportunities to offer leather from alternative sources

      Our team helped a player in the luxury goods sector to decipher the opportunities presented by biotechnology to offer leather from alternative sourcing and thus meet the challenges of materials that are more respectful of animals and the environment.

      To do this, our team developed a 2-stage methodology. Firstly, we benchmarked practices in other sectors. Then, our team identified the players offering skills in leather bioproduction.

      Finally, our team prioritised the players of interest according to our customer’s strategy and the maturity of the solutions identified. For our client, this resulted in the creation of a roadmap around alternative leather.

    • Identification of solutions and partners for a more sustainable jewellery industry

      Our customer, committed to sustainable development throughout its value chain, gave us the challenge of finding materials with a more positive environmental impact than plastic.

      Our team analysed all the environmental constraints and defined the specifications for all the plastic parts to be replaced. Our team then identified alternatives to these plastics, using both innovative and traditional techniques.

      In the end, we came up with very practical solutions to be tested directly on site, and partnerships to be created to meet the challenges of parts for which there were no immediate alternatives.

    • Identification of new digital services for the fashion boutiques of a luxury player

      We worked with one of our clients to develop new digital services for its fashion boutiques in order to meet the challenges of an enhanced customer experience.

      To achieve this, our team carried out a study using a number of methodologies. On the one hand, our team identified the possible uses associated with digital for retail. Secondly, our team produced an overview of the digital solutions available on the market and the associated players.

      Using a comparative analysis and customer workshops, our team came up with a list of priority technological solutions to be tested for use in shops.

    • Determination of an indicator to measure customer engagement via a Data Driven approach

      We developed a global customer engagement indicator for one of our clients. The objective of this indicator was to use all available customer data, particularly in terms of responses to communications, to manage activities: to understand what actions triggered customer engagement to make the best future decisions.

      Our methodology consisted of two parts. The first part was to create a common definition of what “customer engagement” was for our client and to define the data available for the creation of this indicator.

      This resulted in an external investigation (bibliographic research and interviews with key players) as well as an internal investigation via exchanges with the various stakeholders in the company. The second part consisted in retrieving this data to bring out, in real-time, the engagement indicator at different levels of granularity for our client.

    • Strategic thinking around the evolution of a luxury player's competition

      Our team supported a company in the luxury goods sector that was facing a highly competitive market environment, and wanted to work with its teams to project the evolution of its competitors, in order to develop action plans for differentiation and gaining or retaining market share.

      To do this, our team analyzed the portfolios of major competitors and players with strong positions in niche sub-segments of the market. We then analyzed potential new entrants, based on market trends.

      Finally, our team co-defined prospective scenarios with our client, identified the greatest threats and defined the actions to be taken in the short and medium term.

    • Overview of the players offering upcylcing solutions

      In a context of tightening regulations concerning the recycling of materials in the world of luxury goods, we helped one of our customers to understand the opportunities for developing an upcycling offer.

      Our team helped our customer to understand the landscape of players in this field in terms of collection, technical aspects, etc. Then our team followed the rapid changes in this landscape.  Our team also identified best practices from other countries.

      The information we passed on to our customer enabled them to make a decision, to orientate their positioning, their value proposition and to establish the first elements of their business model.

    • Refine the development strategy of a player in the cosmetics and luxury goods industry, through a strategic audit of all its activities

      One of our clients, a company specializing in cosmetics, active in many countries around the world, and having experienced a fairly rapid development through successive acquisitions, called upon our team in order to conduct a strategic audit of its activities.

      Its product portfolio was extremely diversified, and the top management lacked visibility on its real points of strength on which to base its future development. Alcimed conducted a strategic audit covering the entire portfolio and markets, resulting in a simplification into 9 Strategic Business Areas (SBAs).

      After an in-depth investigation, our diagnosis was shared, the SBAs likely to support the development were selected, and our work has enabled us to engage our client’s teams on concrete action plans in line with a new strategy that is clear for all.

    You have a project?

      Tell us about your uncharted territory

      You have a project and want to discuss it with our explorers, write us!

      One of our explorers will contact you shortly.

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