Proof of concept

Proof of concept Agency Consulting firm Experts Specialists Consultancy

Prove the feasibility of your product or service with a POC

For more than 30 years, our specialized team has been supporting companies in the implementation of their proof of concept, whether to demonstrate and validate the feasibility of their ideas, convince partners or investors, guide strategic decisions or develop a prototype.

    Tell us about your uncharted territory

    You have a project and want to discuss it with our explorers, write us!

    One of our explorers will contact you shortly.

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    How we support you in your proof of concept 

    In order to best support our clients in the implementation of a proof of concept, and to ensure that the project will meet the expectations and needs of its users, the essential steps to be taken are:

    1.  The framing of the pilot, especially in terms of scales: Geographic (local, regional, interregional, national — although the larger the scale, the more difficult it is to implement), Temporal (a few months to a few years);

    2.  The definition of the type of data and the associated indicators (quantitative or qualitative) that will determine the interest of the project idea. This data can also be used to confirm or invalidate a business case;

    3.  The realization of the pilot, measuring the indicators throughout the experimentation;

    4.  Summary of the results and adaptation of the model if necessary;

    5.  The development of the roll-out of the model on a larger scale.


    Alcimed accompanies its clients at all stages of the construction of a POC:

    • Pilot framing assistance,
    • Support for the execution of the POC and its follow-up,
    • Summary of lessons learned from the POC,
    • Elaboration of recommendations to continue the project based on the results.

    Examples of recent proof of concept carried out for our clients

    • Proofs of concept of new real-life data collection solutions for a pharmaceutical company

      We supported one of our clients, a leader in the healthcare sector, who wanted to explore the opportunity to diversify its activities through the integration and use of digital solutions for the generation and collection of real-life data (Real-World Evidence, RWE).

      For this project, our teams evaluated the different data capture technologies available on the market, their characteristics, their advantages and their limits, as well as the existing approaches for their use in France in RWE. Following our analysis, we defined 4 approaches enabling our client to integrate and to set up these new selected digital data services and established an operational action plan to carry out pilot projects.

      In the end, a pilot was successful and our client was able to launch a new differentiating offer.

    • Design, deployment and evaluation of an experimental ITEP proof of concept

      Alcimed has accompanied AIRe in the design and deployment of an experiment on the functioning of an integrated ITEP device in 6 French regions, in order to streamline the pathways of the children and teenagers received, by proposing the most adapted response to their needs.

      At the end of this 2-year experiment, Alcimed then conducted an evaluation of the system through a detailed analysis of the service provided.

      Aware of the value of this integrated “out-of-home” system, the legislator has incorporated it into practice through the publication of a dedicated decree.

    • Acceleration strategy through the structuring of a scientific committee experienced in proof of concept

      Alcimed has accompanied a leading city in its strategy to accelerate and concretize projects with a strong scientific and technological component in order to give them a market outlet (spin off, call for projects, transfer to a company).

      The acceleration of our client’s projects was made possible by the establishment of a scientific committee capable of validating and deploying an ecosystem of competent actors at the various key phases of the development of the proof of concept of the projects concerned.

    • Proof of concept of the positioning and value proposition of one of the largest French universities

      Our client, a French university, wanted to define the contours of an “international academy” capable of deploying and promoting an international continued education offer.

      Our teams worked hand in hand with the teams concerned to define an initial offer that we then tested with the market to refine it. Our team has analyzed the potential of this offer and highlighted its differentiating character, and has also been able to identify strategic partnerships with manufacturers.

      In the end, our project allowed our client to have an offer presenting all the pedagogical modules, a strategic analysis of the positioning and the marketing tactics to follow: corner stone and proof of concept of its international academy.

    • Proof of concept for an innovative hypertension management project in several countries

      Our team supported a leading pharmaceutical company in the testing of an innovative hypertension management project launched in several countries. Before launching its new solution, our client wanted to carry out a large-scale test to validate or refine its concept.

      By analyzing scientific publications, international guidelines and available congress reports, as well as assessing the receptiveness of healthcare professionals in the various countries concerned by our study, Alcimed enabled its client to demonstrate the likely impact of such a disease management program from a patient point of view, and in terms of sales in the target countries.

    You have a project?

      Tell us about your uncharted territory

      You have a project and want to discuss it with our explorers, write us!

      One of our explorers will contact you shortly.