Digital transformation

Digitalization Agency Consulting firm Experts Specialists Consultancy

Alcimed supports its clients on digitalization and digital transformation topics to help them understand and define how digital can change their offers, their businesses and their processes, and to put in place their digitalization strategies.

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    The challenges related to digital transformation

    Due to its pervasive nature in business, digital transformation is quickly becoming a strategic issue. For several industries, it is also complex to apprehend because it is far from the habits and practices rooted for several decades in the life of the company. Challenging existing organizations and processes, it can also be difficult to make operational once planned.

    For companies wishing to start or continue with digitalization, several challenges arise:

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      How we support you in your projects related to digital transformation

      Alcimed supports its clients by providing sector expertise and knowledge of technological challenges related to the integration of data into strategic thinking. Our team has also acquired skills in “data science” for several years – and our data scientists are called upon whenever we work on the use and exploitation of data, as when implementing a Data Driven strategy, or even when we handle complex data sets in our client projects.

      Beyond technical skills, Alcimed supports its industrial clients to better understand what digitalization brings to the various functions of the company:

      • In R&D, in order to accelerate upstream research, increase the success rate for new products to reach the market, predict in healthcare, for example, the profiles of future treatments in terms of efficacy or toxicity, etc.
      • In industrial operations, for example to imagine what quality control will look like in 15 years using connected digital technologies, or to imagine new batch release procedures, etc.
      • At the level of sales operations and marketing, to understand how digitalization can strengthen client relationships – a major issue in times of health crisis, etc.

      Examples of recent projects carried out for our clients in digital transformation

      • Identification and characterization of data sets to launch a phase III “data-centric” clinical trial

        In this project, Alcimed combined for a pharmaceutical laboratory its field investigation skills with its ability to understand the data science environment in healthcare in order to qualify the data sets useful for launching a phase III clinical trial. This qualification was based on an assessment of data quality, quantity, volume and accessibility.

        Our project resulted in a recommendation on the partners to be favored on the international scene in order to develop a “data-centric” clinical trial and the avenues of collaboration to be considered.

      • Development of a “customer-centric” digital strategy for an industrial player

        Our client, a major industrial player, had the ambition to become “fully customer-centric”, placing the customer at the center of its concerns at all levels of the company.

        To feed this reflection and contribute to the company’s roadmap, we carried out an investigation project based on benchmarks of the digitalization of customer relationships (in its sector and outside of its sector) and interactions with its customers in Europe and in the United States.

        Our project made it possible to question our client’s initial ideas by integrating a more concrete dimension, and to transform a reflection into an operational action plan.

      • Benchmark and competitive analysis of digital for a “Release by Exception” process for a biopharmaceutical player

        In this project, we studied how digital (new sensors, algorithms, new professions) could support the “Release by Exception” (RBE) process, a more fluid and real-time vision of the release of batches.

        Through interviews with experts and providers of digital solutions in this very specific sector, we drew up a panorama of the real maturity of RBE in biopharma and observed more closely the activities of 3 competitors over the last 10 years in this sector.

        The project resulted in a better understanding of the topic and a clear vision of the steps and key success factors to implement an RBE digital transformation for our client.

      • Customer and digital experience: rethinking a more digital sales approach in the field of oncology

        We supported a leading player in the pharmaceutical industry in redesigning its sales approach to prescribers to make it more digital. The Covid-19 crisis having strongly impacted the usual interactions of the sales force with physicians, our client wanted to rethink their entire go to market approach on the ‘customer experience’ part to develop a new, fully digital approach and differentiating from the competition.

        By identifying trends and benchmarking key non-pharma stakeholders in their digital sales approach, and by analyzing physicians’ receptivity to pre-identified ideas, we supported our client’s sales and marketing team in defining their new customer experience, from inspiration to the implementation of new practices within the field team.

      • Identification of the best practices for using digital twins for an industrial software developer

        The strategic management of one of our customers, an industrial software developer, had observed a very heterogeneous adoption of digital twins within its company.

        Previous attempts at diagnosis and gap analysis had failed to produce sufficiently actionable lessons, so we supported our customer by carrying out a benchmark of existing digital twin solutions and their use in similar industrial contexts.

        As a result, the client gained a precise understanding of the existing obstacles within his company, their characteristics, and the levers for action to overcome them.

      • Launch of a cybersecurity offering for industrial equipment connected to factories 4.0 for an energy services company

        A digital services player in the energy sector wanted to refine its new cyber security offering for industrial equipment.

        To do this, we identified the most mature targets, analysed their needs and current practices, and also tested their interest in the services offered by our client, as well as its legitimacy.

        By combining a quantitative survey of around a hundred participants with a qualitative analysis based on in-depth one-to-one interviews with key customers, we were able to refine the targeting, draw up a new segmentation of the offering, identify the main strengths to be highlighted and finally adapt the value proposition of this new offering.

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