Customer experience

Customer experience strategy Agency Consulting firm Experts Specialists Consultancy

Sustainably improve your customer satisfaction by enhancing the experience of your customers

For more than 30 years, our specialized team has been supporting companies in their customer experience strategies to optimize their level of customer relationship, whether before, during or after the act of purchase or use.

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    Key success factors for a customer experience strategy

    Customer experience (CX) holds significant importance in driving business success, within the pharmaceutical and other sectors. Organizations encounter various challenges in providing exceptional CX, such as advancing data-driven decision-making processes and more.

    How we support you in your customer experience projects

    Alcimed helps its clients optimize their customer experience level. In a context of increased competition, enhancing the customer experience is a formidable tool for differentiating oneself, developing emotional attachment and ultimately impacting the customer’s behavior and purchase intention.

    Examples of recent customer experience projects carried out for our clients

    • Digital customer experience: development of a Patient Support Program (PSP) to improve the patient experience

      We supported a pharmaceutical company to develop a digital support offer for Crohn’s disease patients. Our client wanted to understand what the major issues were in the patient care pathway and what levers could be used to address them, in order to develop its solution accordingly.

      By identifying and prioritizing obstacles in the treatment process of this disease during a workshop with patients and by co-defining operational solutions to improve and develop the quality of life and well-being of patients, Alcimed enabled its client to develop a solid action plan to create a new patient support program.

    • Patient experience: mapping patients' emotions to improve their well-being and quality of life along the care pathway

      Our team helpeda leading pharmaceutical company understand the emotions experienced by patients suffering from a rare disease in order to develop a range of services to improve their well-being and quality of life.

      After mapping patients’ emotions throughout their care pathway (from pre-diagnosis to palliative care) in several European countries, our team conducted a benchmark of services for patients, before selecting, during a workshop with our client’s teams, ideas for services to be implemented to respond to the emotional challenges identified with patients.

    • Customer experience: new service to develop the experience of mountain enthusiasts

      One of our clients, a player in the winter sports equipment industry, wanted to be supported in the development and prototyping of new services to enhance the experience of its customers who are passionate about mountain sports.

      To do so, our team carried out an on-site observation, mobilized our client’s community of 200,000 members (skiers, snowboarders, etc.) and carried out the realization of creative workshops in order to launch of a new value-generating service of services for improving the customer experience along the entire home-mountain route.

      Alcimed was thus able to contribute to the launch of a new service that would generate value for mountain enthusiasts!

    • Digital customer experience: rethinking a more digital sales approach in the field of oncology

      We assisted a leading pharmaceutical company in redesigning its sales approach to prescribers to make it more digital. The Covid-19 crisis having strongly impacted the usual interactions of the sales force with doctors, our client wanted to rethink its entire go-to-market approach on the ‘customer experience’ part to develop a new approach, entirely digital, and different from the competition.

      By identifying trends and benchmarking non-pharmaceutical players in their digital sales approach, and by analyzing the receptivity of doctors to the pre-identified ideas, we helped our client’s sales and marketing teams to define their new ‘customer experience’, from the inspiration phase to the implementation of the new practices within the field team.

    • Definition of new ways to approach the customers of a pharma player

      Alcimed supported a pharma lab in increasing awareness around their drug in the corresponding population of physician.

      We helped our client to develop a segmentation of physicians beyond the current segmentation according to sales potential. Next, we developed questionnaires for the sales force to enable them to group their customers into the defined profiles. Also, we worked on new ways to approach these physicians corresponding to the physicians’ segment. These new ways to approach were finally tested in the field by the client’s sales force.

      Our work enabled us and our client to co-create the future guidance of approaching customers by the sales force and allowed for innovative new ways of interaction.

    • Training the sales force of a pharma player in objection handling regarding their customers

      We supported an international pharma player in optimizing the interaction of the sales force with their customers, HCPs.

      Being last on the market, objection handling was a key issue for our client, sowe prepared a gamified workshop, in which different sales force teams played against each other. The setup was Germany represented by a real board game and role play was applied in order to meet different types of physicians and practice to handle their objections.

      Because of the competitive character of this game, all participants enjoyed a nice and professional training workshop and could prove their capabilities in reacting in the field.

    You have a project?

      Tell us about your uncharted territory

      You have a project and want to discuss it with our explorers, write us!

      One of our explorers will contact you shortly.